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Trump Administration Moves To Sell Billions Of Dollars In Weapons To Saudi Arabia With Legally Questionable Justifications

For years, it has been noted that Saudi Arabia has been involved in terrorism and all kinds of activity that is directly harmful to the US and her people. However, instead of invading Saudi Arabia- something that could be easily accomplished -the US has invaded and destroyed the nations of Afghanistan and Iraq. This has taken place while the US has continued to sell weapons to the Saudis, even with the knowledge that the kingdom is committing genocide against the Yemenis.

In another blatant act that some have noted is also legally questionable, CNN reports that the US is moving forward with selling $8 billion USD of weapons to Saudi Arabia.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo pushed State Department officials to find a way to justify the emergency declaration that he had already decided to implement in order to fast-track the $8 billion arms sale to Saudi Arabia last year — stunning career diplomats, four sources have told CNN.

“They seemed to have a game plan and it had to be justified,” said a State Department official who told CNN they had communicated what happened to the State Department’s Office of the Inspector General during an interview late last year, as part of the watchdog’s investigation into Pompeo’s move to fast track the sale.

“The attitude was very Trumpian,” the official added.

Pompeo’s demand meant State Department officials had to reverse engineer the situation to provide the justification for a decision which was made in an aggressive and unconventional manner, the sources said

The probe into the secretary’s push on the Saudi weapons sale is in the spotlight after President Donald Trump fired State Department inspector general Steve Linick, at Pompeo’s request last week. (source)

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