Jesus' Coming Back

New White House Press Secretary Says God Put Her in the White House ‘For a Purpose’

New White House Press Secretary Says God Put Her in the White House ‘For a Purpose’

Having faith in God has been instrumental in the life of Kayleigh McEnany, from her upbringing to her present role as the White House press secretary.

“I believe God put me in this place for a purpose and for a reason like he does with each and every life,” McEnany said in an interview with CBN News. “We’re all here for a reason.”

While she was raised Southern Baptist, McEnany attended an all-girls Catholic School in Florida as a child. As a teenager, McEnany decided to surrender her life to God.

Then, in her 20s, as she began her professional career in New York, she started to struggle with loneliness.

“I was going through a hard time in New York and I was going to a great church in New York. I remember feeling very lonely,” she shared.

“It was when I first started my young professional life and I remember getting a call. I never answered numbers I didn’t know, but I answered that day, and it said, ‘hey, this is the Journey Church. We feel like we need to pray for you right now, how can we pray for you?’”

McEnany said that phone call was just what she needed to remember that God is always with her.

“It was in that moment I think my faith became even more real,” she added.

Now, as a mother, McEnany hopes to be an example of faith to her daughter Blake, who was born in late 2019.

“If I give Blake the same faith upbringing and relationship with Jesus Christ that my parents gave me, she will be an unstoppable woman of faith in whatever she decides to do,” she asserted.

In her capacity as White House Press Secretary, McEnany shared that leading Bible studies with the Trump campaign is keeping her devoted to her Savior amid all of the stress.

“It just gave a little pep in our step because these days are demanding, they’re challenging, they’re long in politics, whether you’re a Democrat or Republican, that’s the nature of the job,” she said.

On a personal level, the press secretary recalled how she felt attacked as a conservative Christian back when she was studying at Harvard Law School. She noted that that feeling of being under scrutiny for her beliefs is what convinced her that President Trump would be an important mouthpiece for the Christian community.

“I realized it was that megaphone and that kind of boldness we needed and that kind of fighter we needed to represent the Christian community,” she asserted.

McEnany closed the interview by asserting that her ultimate goal is to glorify God in all that she does.

“My mission in life is that when I pass that He will look at me and say, ‘well done good and faithful servant,'” she said. “If I can end my life that way, it doesn’t matter what the people say on the way there.”

Photo courtesy: ©Getty Images/Alex Wong/Staff

Milton Quintanilla is a freelance writer. Visit his blog Blessed Are The Forgiven.


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