Jesus' Coming Back

Dozens of UK Members of Parliament to Oppose Attempt to Rush Through ‘No-Fault’ Divorce Bill

Photo Credit: Gerd Altmann/Pixabay

(The Christian Institute) This evening, members of UK Parliament are set to vote on the controversial “no-fault” divorce bill in the House of Commons, but “dozens” of conservatives are expected to revolt against the government.

As well as removing fault grounds, the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation bill seeks to make it possible to divorce in just six months and offers no opportunity for a spouse to contest the decision.

The Christian Institute has warned that if passed, the bill would have a destructive effect on families and society. …

The bill imposes no legal requirement on the divorcing party to inform their spouse. It is possible that the spouse may discover that they are being divorced only weeks before the process is finalized.

The organization Christian Concern likewise called Christians to prayer, listing among its prayer points that “marriage would not be trivialized to a simple contract that can be entered into or out of” and “that Parliament would uphold marriage and protect families, recognizing the value of raising children in the context of marriage.”

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