Jesus' Coming Back

North Koreans Express Gratitude for Supplied Bibles, Testify to Power of Word of God

(Voice of the Martyrs Korea) Bible distribution to North Koreans continues to be double that of the same period last year, according to Voice of the Martyrs Korea representative Dr. Hyun Sook Foley. The ministry credits the coronavirus for the heightened interest of North Koreans, as well as for new avenues for distribution.

“North Koreans are looking for hope in this time of pandemic, and they are finding it in the Bible,” says Foley. “Even though the North Korean authorities make the ordinary laborers work as hard as ever, they seem to be fearful about catching the virus from them. That ‘social distancing’ creates some opportunities for covert Bible distribution that we have not had previously.”

Voice of the Martyrs Korea supplies audio and printed North Korean dialect Bibles inside the country, as well as to North Korean laborers working abroad and North Korean sex trafficked women in China. The Bibles are hand–distributed one at a time directly to recipients as part of small care packages containing other items like masks, medicines, and hygiene items.

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