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Planned Parenthood Endorses Biden, Says It’s ‘a Life and Death Election’

WASHINGTON — The sexually-centered contraception and abortion giant Planned Parenthood has endorsed Democratic candidate Joe Biden for president, telling reporters prior to the announcement that this year’s race for the White House is a “life and death election.”

“[T]he Planned Parenthood Action Fund is proud to endorse Joe Biden for president — because our rights, our freedom and our healthcare are on the line this November,” Acting Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) President Alexis McGill Johnson stated in a video released on Monday.

“Americans need a president who will empower women, families and young people,” she said.

McGill Johnson explained that one of the reasons the group supports Biden is that during the Obama administration, the Affordable Care Act resulted in free birth control to 63 million women, and the government “built toward equality.”

She said that Trump has “tried to tear down our progress,” allegedly making it harder to obtain birth control, “sabotaging” the Affordable Care Act, partially defunding Planned Parenthood, and “appointing a record number of judges opposed to reproductive rights.”

“The last four years, the most fundamental rights and our health have been under attack,” she stated, as if abortion and contraception were health issues. “We can’t afford another four years.”

In the video, Biden promised to expand access to abortion if elected, stating that he is “proud” to stand with Planned Parenthood.

“It’s a simple proposition: Health care is a right not dependent on race, gender, income or zip code,” he remarked. “As president, I’m going to do everything in my power to expand access to quality, affordable health care for women, especially women of color.”

He vowed to reverse the so-called “gag rule” prohibiting family planning facilities receiving federal funding under Title X from referring mothers for abortions.

“We will protect women’s constitutional right to choose,” Biden said. “I am proud to stand with you in this fight.”

NPR reports that McGill Johnson told the outlet prior to the announcement, “This is literally a life and death election.”

However, Jeanne Mancini, president of the ecumenical annual event March For Life, told NPR that the remark was “offensive.”

“It is offensive to hear our nation’s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood, an organization that claims the lives of 345,672 American babies annually (a third of all of the abortions in this country each year), call the 2020 cycle a ‘life and death’ election,” she said.

“Those who really care about protecting life realize that the election of Planned Parenthood-endorsed candidate, Joe Biden, will result in a major increase of tax dollars going to the billion-dollar organization, including direct payment for abortions, among other deadly consequences,” Mancini commented.

As previously reported, last month, during a town hall event in which he received an endorsement from former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, Biden claimed that abortion is an “essential healthcare service” during the coronavirus pandemic and that states shouldn’t be “using public health crises to infringe on a women’s constitutional rights” to abortion.

“[W]e need to ensure that women have access to all health services during this crisis. Abortion is an essential healthcare service. It’s being used as a political wedge right now and it shouldn’t be,” he said during the livestreamed broadcast.

A page on Biden’s website, called “Women for Biden,” explains that — if elected — Biden’s objectives include codifying Roe v. Wade into law, reinstating federal Title X and Medicaid funding for Planned Parenthood, and repealing the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits federal funds from being used for abortion (with exceptions).

As previously reported, during a vice presidential debate in 2012, Biden, a Roman Catholic, outlined that while he personally believes that life begins at conception, he doesn’t want to “impose” his view on others.

“Life begins at conception in the Church’s judgment. I accept it in my personal life,” he said. “I refuse to impose it on equally devout Christians and Muslims and Jews, and I just refuse to impose that on others …”

“I do not believe that we have a right to tell other people that — women — they can’t control their body. It’s a decision between them and their doctor. In my view and the Supreme Court, I’m not going to interfere with that,” Biden stated.

Photo Credit: Geralt/Pixabay

Trump, while identifying as pro-life, has stated publicly that he supports the exceptions of rape, incest and the life of the mother.

“As most people know, and for those who would like to know, I am strongly pro-life, with the three exceptions — rape, incest and protecting the life of the mother — the same position taken by Ronald Reagan,” he tweeted in May 2019.

In 2016, while still a presidential candidate, Trump wrote in an op-ed published by the Washington Examiner, “Let me be clear — I am pro-life. I support that position with exceptions allowed for rape, incest or the life of the mother being at risk.”

He also told NBC’s “Today” show that same year that he would like to see the exceptions in the Republican platform.

“The Republican platform, every four years, has a provision that states that the right of the unborn child shall not be infringed. And it makes no exceptions for rape, for incest, for the life of the mother. Would you want to change the Republican platform to include the exceptions that you have?” asked co-host Savannah Guthrie.

“Yes, I would,” Trump replied. “Yes, I would. Absolutely. For the three exceptions, I would.”

Trump’s statements allowing for exceptions are similar to those made by other recent Republican presidents, including George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush.

“My own position on abortion is well-known and remains unchanged. I oppose abortion in all cases except rape or incest, or where the life of the mother is at stake,” George H.W. Bush said in 1992.

”My position has always been three exceptions: rape, incest and the life of the mother,” George W. Bush likewise outlined in 2006.

Proverbs 6:16-17 says that the Lord hates “hands that shed innocent blood.”

“When killing anyone, the murderer is guilty of taking the life which God has given, and therefore he is ‘playing God’ by saying when and how a man should die. But God doesn’t look lightly upon those who try to take His place,” explained preacher Lee Roy Shelton in “The Crimes of Our Times”.

“God has given us the Sixth Commandment as a fence about human life to preserve it, for it is sacred to Him,” he said. “Yes, the Bible declares human life to be sacred. It is a divine creation, mysterious and magnificent in its beginning and possibility, utterly beyond the control or comprehension of any human being. It is never to be taken away at the will of anyone, for how can they tell the full meaning of that life and what it will bring forth?”

“The revelation of God made to man out of His blessed Word proves that He has purposes for every individual and for the [human] race, stretching far beyond the present moment or manifestation; and to terminate a single life is to set yourselves up as wiser and superior to God. The immensity of the issues of death is so great that there can be no sin against humanity, and accordingly, against God, greater than that of taking a human life.”

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