Jesus' Coming Back

Child Brides: Ministry Sounds Alarm on Heartbreaking Plight of Young Girls in South Asia

Photo Credit: Christoph Schmitz/FreeImages

(Mission Network News) Picture a little girl from rural South Asia, a six or seven-year-old from Pakistan, India or Bangladesh. Instead of starting school, David Lovett of Operation Mobilization USA says she — and other little girls like her — only have a few years left to enjoy childhood.

Then comes marriage, often to a man old enough to be their dad or grandpa.

“Especially in rural areas with high illiteracy, young girls — [some] even as young as 10, 11, 12, 13 [years old] — are being married to older men,” Lovett says.

“In Bangladesh, something like 22-percent of young girls are being married before they’re 15 years of age.”

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