Jesus' Coming Back

Texas Prepares for Showdown Over Sex Ed Proposal to Teach on Sex and Contraception Sooner

Photo Credit: Mabel Amber/Pixabay

AUSTIN, Texas (Austin American-Statesman) For the first time in two decades, the Texas State Board of Education is slated to make changes to its sex education curriculum, triggering a likely showdown between conservative and liberal state activists.

The last revisions to the health education standards were in 1997, and much of the debate is expected to revolve around issues of contraception, sexual orientation and gender identity.

The state board is holding its first public hearing on the issue Monday with a final vote on the changes in November. …

The recommended revisions that will go before the board Monday include fifth graders learning about fertilization and sixth graders being taught about sexual intercourse. Students could learn about the effectiveness and ineffectiveness of contraception in seventh and eighth grades, which isn’t taught until high school under existing standards.

1 Corinthians 6:13 teaches, “Now the body is not for fornication but for the Lord and the Lord for the body.”

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