Jesus' Coming Back

Planned Parenthood Partner: Some Aborted Babies Are Intact Before Dissected, Some Hearts Are ‘Beating Independently’

In a new video released by the same organization that conducted an undercover investigation into Planned Parenthood’s sale of aborted baby parts, the procurement manager for Advanced Bioscience Resources (ABR), which services Planned Parenthood locations in southern California, acknowledged under oath that about every couple of months, an aborted baby “falls out” of his or her mother intact and she is presented with a whole child to dissect. Sometimes, she said, she can see hearts “beating independently” from babies who are not extracted intact.

The Center for Medical Progress (CMP), led by David Daleiden, released the footage on Tuesday after a court unsealed recorded testimony and documents that came out of a lawsuit that Planned Parenthood had filed against the pro-life activist.

The video shows ABR’s Perrin Larton being questioned by an attorney under a deposition, being shown footage from the undercover investigation conducted by Daleiden in which she had stated that sometimes the baby just “falls out” during an abortion, especially if the mother has had a number of children already.

The attorney asked Larton how that child then comes to her, as she would perform the procurement of the infant’s bodily “tissues” needed for resale to researchers.

“Is the entire fetus intact in the lab when the procurement technician enters the lab?” he inquired.

“Yes,” Larton responded.

“How does a tissue procurement occur in one of these situations when the entire fetus in intact in the lab?” he asked.

“We do a dissection,” Larton answered.

The attorney then asked if the dissection is to obtain the “tissues” that are on the list of those requested by researchers. Larton responded in the affirmative.

When asked if the babies don’t have a heartbeat when the procurement is conducted, she advised, “It would depend.”

“I can see hearts that are not in an intact POC (product of conception, i.e. baby) that are beating independently,” Larton outlined.

The Center for Medical Progress is concerned that Planned Parenthood and its partners might be engaging in organ harvesting of babies born alive, in violation of federal law, 18 U.S. Code 1958.

As previously reported, CMP also released a video at the end of May showing Planned Parenthood Mar Monte Chief Medical Director Dorothy Furgerson seemingly testifying under oath that the payments her organization received from partner Stem Express were directly for the baby body parts, based on their usability.

When asked whether Planned Parenthood would still be paid if a “sample” was found to be unusable, Furgerson simply answered “no.” Asked again whether Planned Parenthood Mar Monte would only be compensated if the sample was usable, she replied “yes.”

CMP noted that the admission is important because Planned Parenthood had claimed to the media and others that it was only donating the “tissue” and the funds received were not for the aborted “tissues” themselves but for general administrative “costs” associated with their transferal.

Further, the Stem Express contract with Planned Parenthood Mar Monte also expressly stated that the affiliate would be paid “$55 per POC [product of conception] determined in the clinic to be usable and $10 per maternal blood.”

“Planned Parenthood Mar Monte will invoice Stem-Ex monthly for the number of POC’s and number of maternal bloods procured by Stem-Ex,” it reads.

Invoices sent from Planned Parenthood Mar Monte to Stem Express, which were a part of the court record, show the abortion giant billing Stem Express for thousands of dollars each month.

As previously reported, following the release of Daleiden’s undercover videos in 2015, then-Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards firmly denied that the organization received compensation for aborted babies, stating in a recorded video:

“I want to be really clear: The allegation that Planned Parenthood profits in any way from tissue donation is not true. Our donation programs — like any other high-quality health care providers — follow all laws and ethical guidelines.”

Planned Parenthood also claimed that the videos had been deceptively edited, but the full versions of the recordings were freely viewable on YouTube for all who wished to watch the hours-long raw footage as well.

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