Jesus' Coming Back

German Government Warns That Right-wing Extremism Is The Biggest Threat To Germany

By Theodore Shoebat

The German government has now warned that the biggest threat to Germany is Right-wing extremism, as we read in a report from VOA:

Germany’s interior minister said Thursday right-wing extremism represents the biggest security threat to the nation, as Germany saw a significant increase far-right activities in the past year.

Interior Minister Horst Seehofer made the comments as he presented the annual report on extremism in Germany to reporters in Berlin. He said the report estimates the number of right-wing extremists in the country at 32,080 last year, an increase of almost 8,000 from 2018.

Seehofer said “The number of offenses, the number of members of these right-wing extremist groups and the number of violent right-wing extremists has continued to rise.”

Seehofer oversees Germany’s domestic intelligence Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV), which compiles the security report each year. The 2019 report includes for the first time some 7,000 members of the Alternative for Germany party’s youth section and a radical faction known as The Wing.

Both have come under heightened scrutiny from the BfV due to their perceived extremist tendencies.

The report from the German government is not far fetched nor adventuresome. The rise of Right-wing fanaticism is very real, and we saw its manifestation whirlwind its way to the eyes of the masses upon the eruption of the 2015 migrant crises. Political parties — the AfD, Austrian Freedom Party, Austrian People’s Party, Dutch Freedom Party, Forum for Democracy, Sweden Democrats, etc — that were considered to be fringe or crazy or even Nazi began to enter the realm of mainstream politics, winning major elections and gaining substantial popularity. Provocateurs like Milo Yiannopolous and Tommy Robinson became internet famous because of their activism and comments against Islamic immigration, while at the same time pushing for insidious ideologies (such as Robinson’s collaboration with Austrian Nazi Identitarians like Martin Sellner, or Milo’s teaching that sodomites inherit superior intelligence). We also saw the popularity for eugenist ideas, like IQ differences between the races, which has been heavily advanced by Right-wing groups like American Renaissance, and ideologues like Stefan Molyneux and numerous others. These ideas were never mainstreamed until 2015 and they continue to grow in popularity. We have also seen the rise of paramilitaries, such as the German Right-wing group, Uniter, which got caught conspiring to overthrow the German government. What we are currently facing is a scary revival for scientific racism, populism and a sadistic love for violence. If Germany faces another migrant crises — and it looks like that it is — then expect this evil to grow stronger. The fact that now the German government is listing Right-wing fanaticism as the biggest threat is telling, and if you are going to laugh at this, then you might as well laugh at the idea that history repeats.


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