Jesus' Coming Back

National Institute Of Health Reports That Melatonin Can Help With COVID-19

Part of the ongoing coverage of COVID-19 is not just to sort through the morass of articles arguing needlessly over whether the disease is a threat or not, but instead to actually deal with the nature of the disease and how it can be treated or prevented. This is the realm of scientists and people who are better trained in such research, but it does not stop the common man from going through the reports that have been released and using the available information to help oneself, for indeed, listening to sound medical reports based on evidence that can be traced and proven (or disproven) independently is better than the opinion of another about what one thinks what one should or should not do. To this, I was going through the National Institute of Health website, and while the report dates from May-June 2020, it is wort reprinting, in that new research indicates that melatonin, an easily available over-the-counter medication, can greatly help with the virus.

…the use of supplemental melatonin as a treatment to overcome a COVID-19 infection is justified. Exogenously administered melatonin reverses aerobic glycolysis by repressing both HIF-1α and mTOR thereby disinhibiting PDC activity and allowing acetyl-coenzyme A synthesis which also ensures locally-produced melatonin production [13]. The functionally re-instated mitochondria-generated melatonin in combination with the parenteral melatonin provides a formidable weapon to reduce the cytokine storm as well as its damaging consequences thereby relieving the signs of a COVID-19 infection.

The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant actions of melatonin in protecting the lungs from damage in many experimental models that involve inflammation or oxidative stress (or both) is well documented [14]. Moreover, melatonin has anti-viral actions against viruses other than COVID-19 [15,16]. The collective data, in addition to its very high safety profile, indicate that melatonin would be effective as a treatment for COVID-19 and support the recommendation of the published reports that encourage its use for this purpose [[3], [4], [5], [6], [7]]. Melatonin is inexpensive, non-toxic over a very wide dose range, has a long shelf-life and can be self-administered which is a major advantage when large numbers of individuals are involved. Thus, the use of melatonin to mitigate the COVID-19 pandemic would be feasible and a socially-responsible measure to attempt. (source)

So in conjunction with the other main point we have mentioned- that sunlight exposure seems to be linked to lowering levels of COVID-19 transmission -one might want to try to get some melatonin to have on hand, for hopefully one will not need it because of COVID-19, but since life is an unpredicatable thing, with the unexpected as the only expected rule, it is always better to be prepared instead of getting caught empty handed. I do not intend to say this “will cure it”, but rather, that there seems to be scientific evidence it helps, and that given the current pandemic conditions, it would be foolish not to at least be aware of and potentially prepared with some, remembering that sometimes simple things have the biggest impact.

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