Jesus' Coming Back

Trump Is ‘the Most Pro-Life President in American History,’ Pence Says

Trump Is ‘the Most Pro-Life President in American History,’ Pence Says

Vice President Mike Pence on Wednesday touted President Trump as the “most pro-life president in American history” and warned supporters that Joe Biden “would undo all the progress that we’ve made in the cause of life” if elected.

Speaking to pro-life supporters at Starkey Road Baptist Church in Seminole, Fla., Pence said “life is winning in America.”

“From the first day he took office, President Trump has been standing without apology for the sanctity of human life,” Pence said.

The speech was part of a multi-state “Life Wins” tour with Susan B. Anthony List leaders. Pence also visited a crisis pregnancy center, A Woman’s Place.

Pence listed pro-life accomplishments of the administration:

  • reinstituting the Mexico City policy, “making sure no taxpayer dollars would ever go to promote or provide abortion around the world.”
  • appointing “200 conservative judges” to the federal courts. Pence said Trump had appointed “more conservatives to our courts of appeals than any president in American history.”
  • taking executive action to defend Little Sisters of the Poor and other religious organizations from the Obama-era’s abortion/contraceptive mandate.
  • signing a bill into law that lets states defund Planned Parenthood. Pence cast the tie-breaking vote in the Senate.
  • Trump becoming the first president to attend and address, in-person, the March for Life on the National Mall.

“By contrast, Joe Biden and the Democratic Party would take America in the opposite direction,” Pence said. 

Pence referenced Biden’s opposition to the Hyde Amendment, a congressional provision dating to 1980 that prohibits taxpayer funding of abortion. Historically, it drew bipartisan support.

“Joe Biden and the Democratic Party have literally abandoned their support for the Hyde Amendment and have pledged to use taxpayer dollars to fund abortion at home and abroad,” Pence said.

“Joe Biden and the Democratic Party … plan to increase funding for Planned Parenthood at unprecedented levels,” Pence said. “And Joe Biden and the Democratic Party support late-term abortion. His party, in the Senate, actually blocked a bill that would protect children that were born after failed abortions. They blocked the Born-Alive Infant Protection Act.”

Biden also would “appoint activist judges to our courts who would legislate from the bench and trample … on our most cherished liberties,” Pence said.

“The choice could not be more clear,” Pence said. “And I want to make you a promise: This president, this vice president, and this administration will always stand up for the freedom of speech of every American, and we will always stand for life. As the Bible admonishes us, we are to and I quote speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves.’ And so the people in this movement have done every day since that day 47 years ago.

“… And because you’ve spoken up, because you stood up, because you’ve stood with those men and women who’ve stood for life in the public square: Life is winning in America.”

Pence said “life is winning” at least 11 times during his speech. Young Americans, he said, “are embracing the sanctity of life in record numbers.” He also called Trump “the most pro-life president in American history.”

“This president and I will stand for life. We’ll stand with women in crisis pregnancies,” Pence said. “And we’ll continue to deliver on the promises that we’ve made not just to the people of a movement or a cause, but to the highest ideals of our nation, including the unalienable right to life.”

Pence closed by quoting Scripture.

“He who said, ‘Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you,’ fights with you,” Pence said, referencing Jeremiah 1:5. “And when we make the cause of the author of life our cause, we make His work on this Earth our own, and that means life wins.”

Photo courtesy: ©The White House

Video courtesy: ©The White House

Michael Foust has covered the intersection of faith and news for 20 years. His stories have appeared in Baptist Press, Christianity Today, The Christian Post, the Leaf-Chroniclethe Toronto Star and the Knoxville News-Sentinel.


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