President Trump Surges in New Poll, Especially in Battleground States; Biden’s Lead Tumbles By 10 Points

Trump Surges in New Poll, Especially in Battleground States
A new CNN poll about the race between President Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden shows what amounts to a statistical dead heat among registered voters nationwide and a virtual tie in battleground states.
The poll found that 50 percent of those polled support Biden while 46 percent support Trump. However, the margin of error for results among registered voters is 4 percentage points, making the results about even.
The poll was of 1,108 adults, not registered or likely voters. It’s not solid ground for predicting voter behavior in November, but it may indicate what Americans are thinking as the election looms near — especially when compared with a similar poll conducted in June.
For example, the poll found that since the June CNN poll, Biden has slipped by 5 percentage points in the poll while the president has gathered strength. In June, the former vice president was at 55 percent support while Trump was at 41.
Among registered voters in 15 battleground states, Biden eked out a 1-point lead over Trump in the new poll, 49 percent to 48. The poll’s margin of error for registered voters in battleground states is 5.4 percent, again meaning that the poll shows the candidates roughly even. —>READ MORE HERE
CNN Poll: Biden’s Lead On Trump Tumbles By 10 Points After Two Months Of Rioting
A new CNN poll has found that Joe Biden’s lead over President Trump has shrunk by 10 points after over two months of unrest and rioting in major American cities.
CNN’s last survey, conducted in early June when riots had largely been confined to Minneapolis, had Biden ahead by 14 points. Now he leads by just 4.
“Biden leads President Donald Trump by just four points nationally — 50 percent to 46 percent — and by even less across 15 battleground states that will determine who wins the electoral college,” reports Breitbart.
“In those 15 states — Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Wisconsin — the new CNN poll has Biden leading by just one percent, with Biden at 49 and Trump at 48.”
The poll indicates that the riots have not only convinced many independents and moderates to vote for Trump, but that the unrest has also hardened support amongst Trump’s base. —>READ MORE HERE.
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