***Live Updates*** Democratic National Convention Night Two

The second night of the four-night virtual Democratic National Convention will feature Jill Biden, former Presidents Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter, and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY).
Tuesday evening’s theme is “leadership matters.”
Stay tuned to Breitbart News for live updates.
All times Eastern.
11:20 PM :
Tonight, Jill Biden did a very good job representing herself and Joe in the causes they believe in.
She’s an outstanding person who has led a consequential life.
— Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) August 19, 2020
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) August 19, 2020
10:55 PM: Jill Biden now speaking from her former Delaware HS classroom where she taught English. She says this quiet is heavy–you can hear the anxiety that echoes down empty hallways and there is no scent of freshly waxed floors or books. She says she hears the frustration of parents juggling work while educating their children or concerned that their kids will get sick. She talks about the indescribable sorrow of COVID patients dying alone.
“I have always loved the sounds of a classroom. The quiet that sparks with possibility just before students shuffle in. The murmur of ideas bouncing back and forth as we explore the world together.”
– @DrBiden#DemConvention pic.twitter.com/Et06e3YnjO— 2020 #DemConvention 🇺🇸 (@DemConvention) August 19, 2020
Jill Biden says motherhood came to her in a way she never expected when she fell in love with a man and two little boys…she said she never thought she would be asking herself how to make a broken family whole at the age of 26.
Jill Biden talks about how love holds the family together and how it gives you refuge and a home.
She says you make a broken family whole the same way you make a nation whole. With small acts of kindness, bravery, unwavering faith. She talks about showing up for one another in small ways and big.
Jill Biden says Joe Biden is fighting for the soul of America that beats with kindness.
She says after Beau died of cancer, she wondered if she would ever smile or feel warmth again. She says he watched Joe steel himself in the mirror and walk out into a world empty of their son, and that’s just who he is. She says she always understood why Joe did it. She says Joe’s faith “is in you” and “us.”
Jill Biden says the burdens we carry are heavy and we need someone with strong shoulders. She says she knows if we entrust this nation to Joe, he will do for your family what he did for us–bring us together and make us whole…and keep the promise of America for all of us.
Joe Biden then enters the room and hugs his wife. He says she has a spine like a “ramrod.” We see people in squares clapping like at the NBA games inside the Orlando bubble.
“Just think of your favorite educator who gave you the confidence to believe in yourself. That’s the kind of first lady Jill Biden will be.”
— Joe Biden wrapping up the second night of #DemConvention pic.twitter.com/F3aiTylcjO
— Alexis Benveniste (@apbenven) August 19, 2020
10:47 PM: Now a video of Jill Biden jogging comes up as the Bidens talk about their courtship. Biden says Jill put him back together after the death of his first wife and daughter. Jill talks about punching a bully in the face as a kid. Ashley Biden says they had conflicts when she was a teenager and her mom dealt with it by taking up running marathons.
My favorite Jill Biden story: Back in 2003, a bunch of self-serious operatives were meeting at the Biden house to try to get Joe to run. Jill did not like where the meeting was going, so marched past them in a bikini with “NO” written in marker on her stomach. No fucks to give!
— Amanda Litman (@amandalitman) August 19, 2020
Video, as expected, heavy on Jill Biden’s history of teaching. Joe Biden says teaching is not what Jill does, it’s who she is because she cares about other people.
Hunter Biden makes a cameo.
10:45 PM: Cindy McCain now narrates the video about the Biden-McCain friendship. Mccain’s “thumbs down” moment featured after a segment in which Biden’s willingness to always work with establishment Republican Senators is highlighted.
Most prominent ideological group featured in primetime hour of first 2 nights of Democrat convention: Republicans.
— Bo Erickson CBS (@BoKnowsNews) August 19, 2020
.@cindymccain ‘s voice was heard tonight at virtual DNC in one comment reflecting on the friendship of her late husband @senjohnmccain and @JoeBiden but the film was narrated by Oscar winner @octaviaspencer
— Kelly O’Donnell (@KellyO) August 19, 2020
10:41 PM: Colin Powell says the values he learned growing up in the South Bronx were the same values Biden’s parents instilled in him in Scranton. Powell says Biden will be a president “we will all be proud to salute.” He says if Biden is president, we will never doubt that Biden will stand with our allies and against our enemies, and not the other way around.
Former Secretary of State Colin Powell: “I support Joe Biden for the presidency of the United States…”
Full #DemConvention video here: https://t.co/lshxR0cdBt pic.twitter.com/i90IqskXpP
— CSPAN (@cspan) August 19, 2020
Colin Powell on @JoeBiden: “He will trust our diplomats and our intelligence community, not the flattery of dictators and despots. He will make it his job to know when anyone dares to threaten us. He will stand up to our adversaries with strength and experience.”
— Johnny Verhovek (@JTHVerhovek) August 19, 2020
10:35 PM: John Kerry says the Obama administration stopped Ebola while Trump bankrupted the economy he inherited. He rips Trump for not defending the country and troops even after he found out about Russian bounties. Kerry says Trump only knows how to defend himself and the troops need a president who will stand up for them like Biden. Kerry says Biden knows “you can’t spread democracy around the world if you don’t practice it at home.”
He says the only thing exceptional about Trump’s incoherent foreign policy is that it has made us more isolated than ever before.
DNC video hypes Biden’s “personal diplomacy” that “will save American lives.” Various foreign policy officials rip Trump as someone who loves dictators and has endangered America and failed the troops. They say Trump doesn’t care about facts while Biden cares about the “safety and welfare” of the troops.
Marie Yovanovitch, former Ambassador to Ukraine who was fired by President Trump, Brett McGurk, who served as Trump’s Special Envoy for the Global Coalition to Counter ISIL, former Sec Def Chuck Hagel, make their #DemConvention debut supporting @JoeBiden
— Sara Cook (@saraecook) August 19, 2020
Biden’s establishment thinking on foreign policy and trade is what helped get Trump elected.
10:30 PM: Progressive healthcare activist Ady Barkan, who has ALS, is now featured in a video.
Barkan says millions don’t have good health insurance in a pandemic while essential workers are treated as dispensable. He says everyone living in American should get the health care they need regardless of employment status. He says Trump is trying to take away the health insurance of millions of Americans. He says everyone has a profound obligation to act and make sure their friends and neighbors vote for Biden and put on Biden’s desk a bill that guarantees everyone health care. He says everyone must vote this year because “our lives depend on it.”
Took me 36 years to get a spot at the DNC. Took Willow only 9 months.
My #DemConvention speech. pic.twitter.com/E36b3VYo4c
— Ady Barkan (@AdyBarkan) August 19, 2020
10:21 PM: The program now turns to health care. DNC video discusses how having health care saved his boys and highlights Biden’s various tragedies. Narrator says Biden knows what affordable health care means to American families because of what it meant to his and casts Trump as someone who wants to take health care away from Americans.
Biden is now having a virtual conversation with various Americans who have battled serious medical issues or whose conditions got worse because they couldn’t see doctors because they lacked health care. They are telling Biden how Obamacare helped them in various ways. Biden says he is going to protect them like he would his own family.
10:20 PM: Going heavy on the Amtrak theme at a train station, Delaware Gov. John Carney and Sen. Thomas Carper cast the votes to secure Biden the nomination.
“Celebration” starts playing as Biden Supporters virtually applaud. Joe and Jill Biden appear together, live, as he is officially nominated as the Democratic Presidential Nominee.
Accepts the nomination, and says “I’ll see you Thursday” pic.twitter.com/RGj0MbnupV
— Andrew Havranek KY3 (@Andrew_Havranek) August 19, 2020
Biden thanks everyone from the bottom of his heart. “I’ll see you on Thursday.”
10:10 PM: Jaime Harrison, who is running to defeat Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), is featured as he cast the Palmetto State’s votes for Biden.
In El Paso, Rep. Veronica Escobar, referencing the El Paso shooting, says they are choosing love in the face of hate before casting the Lone Star State’s votes for Biden.
10:02 PM: Virtual roll call still going until Delaware can give Biden the delegates he needs to secure the nomination.
9:45 PM: Virtual roll call now begins.
9:42 PM: The famous NYT security guard Jacquelyn Brittany says she knew Biden cared about her when they met and she says she is proud to nominate her “friend” Joe Biden for president.
Jacquelyn: Your nomination means the world to me. Thank you — and I hope you know: we love you back. #DemConvention pic.twitter.com/BDS1HQAxhM
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) August 19, 2020
Jacquelyn Asbie: “I take powerful people up in my elevator all the time … They go to their important meetings. Me? I head back to the lobby. But in the short time I spent with Joe Biden, I could tell he really saw me … I nominate my friend, Joe Biden, as the next president.”
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) August 19, 2020
Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) says Biden knows the pain of loss and the worries of working parents. Coons seconds the nomination. Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester (D-DE) says children are learning about pain and grief but also learning about a man named Joe Biden who is restoring decency and democracy.
9:40 PM: AOC now up, speaking in front of American flags, speaks about a movement working to establish guaranteed health care and labor rights for “all people in the United States.” She lauds Sanders for leading a movement that sought to”repair the wounds of racial injustice, colonization, misogyny, and homophobia.”
Congratulations, @JoeBiden – I deeply look forward to fighting for our future together and reclaiming our democracy in November.
Thank you @DemConvention for having me deliver Sen. Sanders’ roll call nomination speech.
It’s been an absolute honor.#NotMeUs & #Biden2020 🇺🇸 https://t.co/dJN1FUQfix
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) August 19, 2020
She speaks about rebuilding re-imagined systems of immigration and foreign policy that turns away from the “xenophobia” of the past.
She says she seconds the nomination of Sanders on behalf of all people facing crises of mass eviction, unemployment.
Love them both, but is it smart to give AOC the same amount of time to speak as it takes Barack Obama to pause?
— Stephen Colbert (@StephenAtHome) August 19, 2020
9:38 PM: AOC and Bob King speak for Sanders as they nominate him. King, a labor leader and activists, says Sanders has led the fight to allow workers to unionize and collectively bargain to confront large corporations that have far too much control of the country’s economy. He says Sanders also believes in building up the country’s crumbling infrastructure with good-paying union jobs.
9:35 PM: Tom Perez now doing a virtual roll call from Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
9:30 PM: Bill Clinton rips Trump for his COVID-19 outbreak response. He says Trump said it would go away and ignored expert advice. He said he only encouraged people to wear masks when it exploded in more states. Bill Clinton says it didn’t have to be this way and COVID hit us a lot harder because of Trump’s incompetence.https://twitter.com/thehill/status/1295899401714638849
Clinton says we are leading the world in having its unemployment rate triple. He says the Oval Office is a “storm center” of “chaos” instead of a “command center” and the “buck never stops there.” He says voters have to decide whether they want to renew the contract of someone who just watches TV every day and zaps people on social media. Clinton says a president actually has to go to work to defeat COVID.
Bill Clinton condemns President Trump’s handling of the COVID-19 crisis: “At a time like this, the Oval Office should be a command center. Instead, it’s a storm center. There’s only chaos.” https://t.co/tFT8FVSwQb pic.twitter.com/f3vI7kXqJX
— CBS News (@CBSNews) August 19, 2020
With a straight face, Bill Clinton just tried to tell us “how” the Oval Office should be used.
The absolute LAST person in the known universe I’d listen to about “how” the Oval Office should be used…is Bill Clinton.— J. Hogan Gidley (@JHoganGidley) August 19, 2020
He says Biden will ensure that Latinos, Blacks, and immigrants left behind will be “full participants” in the economy. He builds up Biden as the right person to get the country’s economy back on track.
He says Biden won’t just put his signature on a check and try to fool you into thinking it came from him.
Clinton says it’s Trump’s “us vs. them” America versus Joe Biden’s America where we all work together.
“You know what Donald Trump will do with four more years: blame, bully, and belittle,” Clinton says. “And you know what Joe Biden will do: build back better.”
9:28 PM: Rosalynn Carter talks about about Biden’s familiarity with caregiving and knows it’s hard even on good days.
Jimmy Carter says Biden was his most effective supporter in the Senate when he ran for president in 1976. He says Biden is the right person for this moment in our nation’s history because he understands dignity.
9:25 PM: Caroline Kennedy and her son talk about needing a leader who thinks America’s best days are yet to come. Caroline says Biden shared his uncle’s commitment to women’s rights and civil rights. She says she help the Obama team pick Biden as VP and saw Biden in action while she was Ambassador to Japan.
Honored to speak @DemConvention !! LFG !! #Biden2020 pic.twitter.com/3vN3wNbMJQ
— Jack Schlossberg (@JBKSchlossberg) August 19, 2020
9:21 PM: Schumer, with the Statue of Liberty in the background, mocks Trump for hiding a bunker and demeaning everything the Statute of Liberty represents. Schumer says presidents should never say “it is what it is.” He cites Lincoln, FDR.
“America, Donald Trump has quit on you,” Schumer says.
He says Biden will never, ever quit on America. Schumer says Biden will be a great president but he can’t do it alone and Democrats must take back the Senate. Schumer says if Democrats take back Congress, bold change will come. Schumer talks about restoring a Supreme Court that looks out for people and not corporations. He says they will save the Post Office and defeat COVID. He also says Dems will back immigration reform.
9:17 PM: Yates, from her home town in Atlanta, says “democracy is at stake” in this election. She says she was fired for refusing to defend Trump’s “shameful and unlawful Muslim travel ban.” She says that was the start of Trump’s assault on public servants. She says public servants took an oath to defend the Constitution and not one person. She says Trump has tried to “weaponize the Justice Department” by attacking his enemies and protect his friends. Yates says Trump “fawns over” Putin and is even trying to “sabotage our postal service.” She mentions Trump’s “constant attacks on the FBI” and says it is purposeful to remove all checks on him. She says Trump treats our country like his family business, this time bankrupting the country’s moral authority at home and abroad. Yates says Biden has never backed down from a bully and respects our laws and the “privilege of public service.” She says we need a president who will “restore the soul of America.”
9:15 PM: Actress Tracee Ellis Ross is tonight’s moderator and says “tonight is all about leadership…steady, inclusive leadership.” She says Harris’s nomination is historic for anyone who believes in “We the People.” First up will be Sally Yates, who is heralded for refusing to defend an “unconstitutional travel ban.”
9:12 PM: Stacey Abrams gets a bit more time and is featured at the end. She says Trump represents the “face of cowardice” who is trying to “undermine elections to keep his job.”
9:05 PM: Seventeen “rising stars” are now giving a joint keynote address. They are going over Biden’s working-class biography and various policy issues. They are hammering Trump for suing to take health care away from millions and trying to get rid of the protections for pre-existing conditions.
Speakers include: Stacey Abrams, TN State Senator Raumesh Akbari, Reps. Brendan Boyle (D-PA) and Colin Allred (D-TX), NV State Senator Yvanna Cancela, former OH State Rep. Kathleen Clyde, FL Commissioner of Agriculture Nikki Fried, Long Beach, CA, Mayor Robert Garcia, PA State Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta, SC State Senator Marlon Kimpson, Rep. Conor Lamb (D-PA), MI State Rep Mari Manoogian, TX State Rep. Victoria Neave, GA State Rep. Sam Park, NH State Rep. Danny Ruprecht, Birmingham, AL, Mayor Randall Woodfin.
Democrats started off their second night with a different kind of keynote address, given by a series of speakers, including Georgia’s Stacey Abrams. pic.twitter.com/dFt4uM15rX
— Jamie Dupree (@jamiedupree) August 19, 2020
What a contrast from the keynote addresses that were featured right before this joint address.
9:00 PM: The second day of the DNC kicks off with the Pledge of Allegiance. Memorable Dem. keynotes featured–Daniel Inouye, Barbara Jordan, Mario Cuomo, Ann Richards, Barack Obama, Julian Castro.
8:50 PM: Jill Biden reportedly will not mention Trump in her speech:
Tonight, @DrBiden’s central argument will be that her husband is uniquely poised to mend a broken nation after mending his own family following multiple personal tragic losses, according to a source familiar with her speech. She will make no direct mention of President Trump.
— Sarah Mucha (@sarahmucha) August 19, 2020
8:35 PM: Progressives wondering why the DNC is featuring so many establishment Republicans:
Imagine if the DNC cared about wooing progressive people of color as much as they care about Republicans.
— Jonathan Jayes-Green (@JayesGreenJ) August 19, 2020
8:30 PM:
People asked Kamala Harris “are you going to be the kind of VP to tell him when he’s wrong?” The first answer came from Biden: “Yes, she is.” https://t.co/IVc8F5XMFi
— Christopher Cadelago (@ccadelago) August 19, 2020
8:10 PM: Other speakers tonight will include former Secretary of State John Kerry, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates, and Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester (D-DE). Failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams will join 16 other “rising stars”–like Reps. Brendan Boyle (D-PA) and Colin Allred (D-TX)–to deliver a joint keynote address.
The security guard in this video, Jacquelyn, will officially nominate @JoeBiden for president tonight at the #DemConvention: https://t.co/kbNEBo2JXC
— Sarah Ewall-Wice (@EwallWice) August 18, 2020
Teaching is not what I do. It’s who I am.
I’ll be giving my convention speech tonight from my former classroom.
Brandywine High School. Room 232. pic.twitter.com/NXx1EkqVGq
— Dr. Jill Biden (@DrBiden) August 18, 2020
Retired Gen. and former Secretary of State Colin Powell expected to endorse Biden later tonight:
Breaking: Former GOP Secretary of State Colin Powell endorses Democrat Joe Biden.@CBS46 #Campaign2020 pic.twitter.com/U1uysUmJnT
— shon gables cbs46 (@shongables) August 18, 2020
The last time Colin Powell supported a Republican presidential candidate was 16 years ago in 2004.
— David Chalian (@DavidChalian) August 19, 2020
DNC will highlight McCain-Biden friendship:
My husband and Vice President Biden enjoyed a 30+ year friendship dating back to before their years serving together in the Senate, so I was honored to accept the invitation from the Biden campaign to participate in a video celebrating their relationship.https://t.co/Y6XOnBC1IW
— Cindy McCain (@cindymccain) August 18, 2020
Two sources — one democrat, one republican — tell me @cindymccain will not officially endorse @JoeBiden in her tribute video tonight. But they left open the possibility that she will endorse in the future — and said she’ll continue to be involved. #DemConvention
— Nancy Cordes (@nancycordes) August 18, 2020
Bill Clinton excerpt:
Excerpt from Bill Clinton’s DNC speech: “At a time like this, the Oval Office should be a command center. Instead, it’s a storm center. There’s only chaos. Just one thing never changes — his determination to deny responsibility and shift the blame. The buck never stops there.”
— Sabrina Siddiqui (@SabrinaSiddiqui) August 18, 2020
Some on the left want Al Gore to speak:
“At a moment when Trump and many parts of the GOP are openly trying to steal an election…you know who might actually be worth hearing from? Al Gore. You know, the guy who had the election openly stolen from him”
A great DNC take from @Millicentsomer:https://t.co/5Tc3R7PTYp
— Katie Rayford (@katie_rayford) August 18, 2020
Barack Obama on Joe Biden:
This is the Joe I know. pic.twitter.com/mKZ6TqKgwq
— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) August 18, 2020
Michelle Obama on Jill Biden:
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