Rep. Karen Bass: Trump Is Trying to Stay in Power So He Can Stay Out of Jail

Tuesday on CNN, Rep. Karen Bass (D-CA) said President Donald Trump was questioning mass mail-in voting because he was trying to “run out the statute of limitations on so many of the laws that he broke.”
Bass said, “I think that we’ve known from the beginning, the president has been essentially saying things like this from the moment it became real to him that he did not win the popular vote. And ever since then, he has been looking for mysterious voters, mysterious cheats — and you know in the last election, a major case of voter fraud was with Republicans in North Carolina. So we know that this is just fake. But what bothers me about it the most, though, is to sow the seeds of dissension that if and when he loses, that it means the election is rigged. That really sets the stage for a lot of chaos and could set the stage for civil unrest and violence, and it’s just shameful that he would be that desperate that he would resort to tactics like this.”
She added, “When we get rid of this administration, there will be so many new laws and regulations we need to look at when we get rid of this administration. We can never go through this again with somebody who is completely lawless, and that would resort to anything to stay in power. I do believe one of his main motivations for staying in power is he’s trying to run out the statute of limitations on so many of the laws that he broke, which I don’t even think he would be able to do that if he had a second term, but heaven help us.”
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