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Tony Dungy on Pro-Choice Pastors: What Are They Reading? ‘It Couldn’t Be the Bible’

Tony Dungy on Pro-Choice Pastors: What Are They Reading? ‘It Couldn’t Be the Bible’

Television commentator and NFL analyst Tony Dungy, who has not shied away from hot-button issues on social media in recent months, dove into the subject of abortion Thursday and made clear he believes the Bible’s teachings are pro-life.

The Super Bowl-winning coach was referencing a tweet from radio host Tim Bryant, who said in a tweet he had interviewed a Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate who also is a minister and believes that abortion is “healthcare” and that – in Bryant’s words – “God is cool with it.” 

Bryant didn’t mention the candidate by name, but he had interviewed Raphael Warnock, a Democrat in Georgia who is running to replace Sen. Kelly Loeffler. Warnock is senior pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta. He also told Bryant that abortion is a form of “reproductive justice.”

“When you say ‘a minister’ does that mean they represent a church? I’d like to know what book the candidate uses as their foundation for truth and their guiding principles? It couldn’t be the Bible,” Dungy tweeted

Dungy defended his pro-life position when others pushed back against his views.

When someone asked where the Bible mentions abortion, Dungy wrote, “Read Psalm 139. … If you believe the Bible is the word of [God] you can’t read this and conclude that God doesn’t view a baby in the womb as a life.”

One person argued that religion “has NO place in government.” Dungy responded, “You better be glad there is some religion and sense of right and wrong in government. If governing was left purely up to people we would be pretty messed up.”

Another person argued the Bible is “fiction.” Dungy wrote back, “If you don’t believe the Bible there’s nothing I can say to convince you. But why do you then think it’s wrong to kill someone who has been born? Who decided that’s wrong? Why is it wrong?”

When someone argued that Moral Majority founder Jerry Falwell was insincere on abortion, Dungy responded, “What does Falwell or any other person’s opinion have to do with the Word of God and what the Bible says? … Christians were against abortion before anyone ever heard of Jerry Falwell. Anyone familiar with Psalm 139 would be against abortion.”

When another person mentioned the political parties, Dungy wrote, “Right and wrong has nothing to do with political party. Right and wrong is based on following what God says, not our own ideas or wishes.”


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Photo courtesy: ©Getty Images/Scott Halleran/Staff

Michael Foust has covered the intersection of faith and news for 20 years. His stories have appeared in Baptist Press, Christianity Today, The Christian Post, the Leaf-Chroniclethe Toronto Star and the Knoxville News-Sentinel.


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