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President Trump on Friday warned a conservative gathering that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi could become president if mail-in voting delays election results.
“You know there’s a theory that if you don’t have it by the end of the year, Crazy Nancy Pelosi would become president,” Trump told supporters.
“I don’t know if it’s a theory or a fact. But I said, ‘That’s not good,’” Trump said. “I think it goes into effect either on the 20th or the first and put that in the hopper, add that to everything else. It’s a disgrace, they know it’s filthy dirty.”
The Constitution says presidential terms end Jan. 20. If the Nov. 3 election is still unresolved, there will be a fierce legal debate about whether Pelosi (D-Calif.) would become acting president. Some scholars believe that a succession law is unconstitutional and the secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, would be acting president.
Nine states and Washington, DC, are sending mail-in ballots to all voters due to the coronavirus pandemic. Swing states Colorado and Nevada are among them. In other states, more voters are requesting absentee ballots this year due to COVID-19.
The Electoral College, which selects the president following the election, must meet in mid-December pursuant to a 1948 law. Courts would be under intense pressure to intervene if the results were still undecided. In the 2000 election, for example, the Supreme Court ended a recount of Florida ballots on Dec. 9, effectively handing victory to George W. Bush.
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