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POLLS: One point separates Biden 46%-Trump 45%, race a dead heat; Swing-state voters slowly but surely moving to Trump, and Other Poll News

Shock: One point separates Biden 46%-Trump 45%, race a dead heat:

Former Vice President Joe Biden’s lead over President Trump in the 2020 presidential race, once as high as 15 points in some polls, has been cut to just 1 point in the latest Rasmussen Reports survey shared with Secrets.

The pollster, one of those who most closely called the 2016 popular vote, said that Biden is edging out Trump 46%-45%, well within the margin of error.

That is a dramatic change from its last status report on the race, when Biden led Trump 48%-44% over a week ago.

#Biden, #Trump In Near Tie… #Election2020
— Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) August 26, 2020 —>READ MORE HERE.

Swing-state voters slowly but surely moving to Trump: Poll:

Voters in swing states are warming to President Trump, according to a new poll.

The survey, conducted by CNBC/Change Research, found that fewer likely voters in the states of Wisconsin, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Florida, and Arizona say they have “very serious” concerns about the coronavirus, down 3 percentage points from 69% in a poll taken two weeks earlier. Less than half of likely voters, 45%, in these states say they have “very serious concerns” about the pandemic.

The slowly dropping concern about the coronavirus is translating into a modest boost for Trump, with 48% of voters in those states saying they approve of the president’s job performance and 52% disapproving. Two weeks ago, 46% said they approved of Trump, and 54% said they disapproved. —>READ MORE HERE

Follow links below to other Poll related stories:

Right Now, Biden Is Underperforming Hillary in Battleground States

POLL: Trump Makes Gains in Battleground States as Concern over COVID Diminishes

Trafalgar Group Poll: Trump Leads Biden by One Point in Wisconsin

“It’s Showing Up In The Polling”: CNN’s Lemon Says Biden Needs To Stop Ignoring Riots Because They’re Helping Trump

Poll Shows Trump Approval Rating at Record 52 Percent

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