Jesus' Coming Back

Restraining Order Against John MacArthur’s Church Denied by Judge for the Fourth Time


(The Signal) A restraining order requested by Los Angeles County against the church led by John MacArthur, who is also the chancellor emeritus for The Master’s University and Seminary, has been denied by the judge.

For a number of weeks, MacArthur’s church in Sun Valley, Grace Community Church, has been holding in-person services without social distancing.

The objective of the restraining order, county officials said in a news release distributed last week, is to prohibit the church from holding indoor services. If the court issues the order, any future indoor services could be grounds for a contempt citation and fines of up to $20,000.

However, L.A. County Superior Court Judge Mitchell Beckloff ruled Monday in opposition to the county’s position, denying the restraining order for a fourth time.

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