Trump Bump After Convention: POTUS Jumps to Lead in National Poll; Black Support Surges, and Other Poll News
President Trump has received a significant bump in the polls in the aftermath of last week’s Republican National Convention (RNC), jumping to a three-point lead in the national popular vote and a seven-point lead in key battleground states in the Democracy Institute/Sunday Express Poll released Sunday.
The Democracy Institute/Sunday Express Poll shows that President Trump leads Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden 48 percent to 45 percent in the national popular vote, a one point bump from the two point lead the same poll found the president had in its survey released at the beginning of August. The president now also leads Biden by seven points in key battleground states, a two point bump from the five point lead he had in the same survey.
The Democracy Institute/Sunday Express Poll of 1,500 likely voters was conducted between Wednesday August 26 and Friday August 28 and has a 2.5 percent margin of error. Wednesday was the third day of the RNC, which ended on Thursday evening with the president’s acceptance speech. (The poll’s methodology description states, “The national party identification turnout model is: Democrats = 37 percent; Republicans = 35 percent; and Independents = 28 percent.”)
The Morning Consult Poll, conducted on Friday, August 29, the day after the convention ended, showed the president received a four point bump from the RNC. He now trails Biden by six points, 50 percent to 44 percent, compared to the ten points he trailed Biden by, 52 percent to 42 percent in the same poll conducted just prior to the RNC:
President Donald Trump needed a convention bounce — and he got one, emerging from the Republican National Convention with an improved standing against Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, fueled by gains among white voters and those in the suburbs, though he still trails the former vice president nationwide.
A new Morning Consult poll conducted Friday that asked 4,035 likely voters which candidate they would pick found Biden leading Trump by 6 percentage points, 50 percent to 44 percent. It marked a 4-point improvement from his standing heading into the convention on Aug. 23, when Biden led 52 percent to 42 percent. Friday’s poll had a 2-point margin of error, compared with a 1-point margin of error for responses gathered among 4,810 likely voters on Aug. 23.
Read the rest of the story HERE and follow links below to related stories:
HUGE: Black Support for Trump Surges After Convention
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