Jesus' Coming Back

Samaritan’s Purse, Operation Blessing Head to Gulf Coast to Help Rebuild following Hurricane Laura

Samaritan’s Purse, Operation Blessing Head to Gulf Coast to Help Rebuild following Hurricane Laura

Samaritan’s Purse and Operation blessing have provided much-needed supplies and help to the thousands of residents in Louisiana who were affected by Hurricane Laura.

Hurricane Laura is hailed as one of the strongest hurricanes to have ever hit Louisiana, according to Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards. So far, 16 people have died and others are in critical condition, according to local outlet 6ABC.

According to reports, many residents will be without power for weeks, and some will even be without water. According to CBN News, an entire Assisted Living Facility was affected. The residents there, mostly in their 70s and 80s, are without water due to the hurricane’s damages.

The damages ranged from fallen trees to entire roofs being destroyed and homes falling apart. One church will need significant roof repairs. The National Guard has been deployed to help with disaster relief and relocation efforts. However, all the relief centers and hotels have been filled, so many affected residents currently have nowhere to go.

But Operation Blessing was quick to arrive on the scene. They gave out supplies to the community to help them get through the terrible crisis facing them until things can be repaired and the elderly residents could be relocated. They also provided counseling and food and water to many who have been affected spanning many areas where hurricane Laura reached.

But to further help with the recovery process, Operation Blessing is planning on setting up a water purification system at a local hospital to ensure patients have access to clean, drinkable water while they recover from their injuries.

In addition to Operation Blessing, Samaritan’s Purse also was quick to show up to the scene. They brought in tractor-trailers full of relief supplies for thousands of affected residents.

Both Samaritan’s Purse and Operation Blessing have been providing religious counseling and sharing the gospel to the affected residents, a much-needed service as multiple churches have been affected by the storm.

Additionally, both organizations plan to work with The Red Cross, the National Guard, and other relief organizations to help as many people as possible during the recovery from this devastating hurricane.


Hurricane Laura Strikes Gulf Coast

4 Ways to Be Empowered by Gratitude as We Respond to Hurricane Laura

Photo courtesy: Samaritan’s Purse

John Paluska has been a contributor for Christian Headlines since 2016 and is the founder of The Daily Fodder, a news outlet he relaunched in 2019 as a response to the constant distribution of fake news.


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