Jesus' Coming Back

Netanyahu: Hello first grade – and Abu Dhabi

“How do you spell Shalom?” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu asked elementary school pupils in the West Bank settlement of Mevo Horon.It was a spelling lesson he did twice, first with a class of first-grade girls and then again with a group of boys from third to sixth grade, who had come to the girls school especially to meet the prime minister.In both classes, Netanyahu noted the double meaning of the word Shalom, which is used for “welcome” or “hello” and also for “peace.”Netanyahu took a few moments from his customary first-day-of-school visit to speak about the topic of the day: the burgeoning Israeli peace deal with the United Arab Emirates.“Israel is one state. And we are making peace with an Arab state called the United Arab Emirates. What do we do when we make peace? We stop fighting, and we look for ways to cooperate,” Netanyahu said to two small girls as he sat at a small table designed for first-graders.“That is what I am asking you to do,” he said.Later when speaking to the group of boys, he said, “we are at the dawn of a new era, in which Israel as a strong nation makes peace with its neighbors.”He asked the boys if they knew that Israel was poised to sign an agreement with the UAE, to which the pupils said they did.“Do you want to visit there?” he asked.Picking up on a Yediot Aharonot story about a secret Netanyahu trip to the UAE in 2018, one of the boys said, “you visited there two years ago.”Another boy said, “I wish I could.”Netanyahu assured them that people from the UAE would also be able to come to Israel.Binyamin Regional Council head Israel Gantz told the boys that Netanyahu has specifically chosen to come to Mevo Horon to show how much he “cares about the settlements.”The prime minister has been under harsh criticism from settlement leaders for his decision to suspend the pending plans to annex all West Bank settlements as a precondition for the UAE deal. 

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