Jesus' Coming Back

Missionary Family in Philippines Stands Firm Amid Massive Struggles

Photo Credit: Jon NG

(Christian Aid Mission) Even before COVID-19 began devastating lives, trials of another nature this year were already battering a native ministry leader in the Philippines.

The year began with the death under suspicious circumstances of one of his native missionaries working in an area of violent opposition.

“At first I thought that he had a motorcycle accident, but when I went back last February, it was confirmed that he was clubbed in the back of his neck and left half dead on the road,” the director said. “We had brought him to the hospital but, sadly, he died.”

Before that, a pastor he had grown close to since childhood died suddenly after they had enjoyed catching up on each other’s lives at a pastor’s conference, he said. …

“Amid all of this happening, we remembered James chapter 1 — that the testing of our faith produces perseverance,” the director said. “We are so deeply hurt, but the blessing is that as I preached at their funerals, many souls came to receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. While all of this was happening, our team was able to pursue our heavenly mission to reach the unreached with the gospel.”

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