Jesus' Coming Back

Tony Evans Urges Christians to Vote According to the Word of God

Tony Evans Urges Christians to Vote According to the Word of God

Pastor Tony Evans took to the pulpit on Sunday and preached a sermon of reflection and admonition, calling on the church to vote according to what the Bible actually says and not just according to a person’s personal opinion of the Bible.

According to The Christian Post, Evans states “The Kingdom perspective is in the Bible but the problem, he said, is that people who profess to be Christians often ‘change books,’ or take part of the book, when it comes to their political positioning. We can’t ignore ‘the whole counsel of God.’”

Evans also stated that “Until the Church gets it right, the culture can’t get it right.”

He went on to state:

“Kingdom voting is the opportunity and responsibility of committed Christians to partner with God by expanding His rule in society through civil government. It’s only to the degree that you include God’s person and God’s policies in society through civil government — as He defines it, not as you prefer it — that we can begin to see healing in the Church so that it can be modeled in the culture.

The further God is removed from the life of an individual, from the life and definition of a family, form the life and definition of the Church, from the life and definition of the citizenry of a society, the more chaotic those entities become.”

This sermon is the first in a new series which will focus on how to vote according to the Bible. Evans is teaching this sermon series because he believes the main reason for the problems seen in society is due to the Church picking political candidates over Scripture and Godly policies.

Ultimately, the goal of the sermon series is to encourage biblically minded Christians who are pondering deeply about how to vote from a biblical and scriptural perspective.

Photo courtesy: Creative Commons/The Urban Alternative

Video courtesy: OCBF Church

John Paluska has been a contributor for Christian Headlines since 2016 and is the founder of The Daily Fodder, a news outlet he relaunched in 2019 as a response to the constant distribution of fake news.


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