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Netflix Adds Warning Before ‘Cuties’ That It Is A Product Of Its Time When People Didn’t Know Any Better

Netflix Adds Warning Before ‘Cuties’ That It Is A Product Of Its Time When People Didn’t Know Any Better

LOS GATOS, CA—Netflix has encountered intense objections to its movie Cuties for its sexualized depiction of children. The streaming service has now decided to show the movie in its entirety but has added a warning before the movie to give it context. The warning reads:

“WARNING: This movie is shown as it originally aired, including depictions of sexuality that make most non-pedophiles uncomfortable. It is a product of its time, and should be viewed in that context.”

“We think this is the right move,” said Bob Netflix, Netflix founder and CEO. “If we removed every movie that reflects terrible morals, we’d have no movies from the era of Cuties. It just needs context.”

This move hasn’t satisfied everyone, as many still think the sexualized depiction of children is wrong, even with the added context. Cuties has been defended by movie critics, though, who think it’s important to show the movie as it was originally intended and who note that it was an attempt to criticize sexualizing children, making it almost forward-thinking for its era. Also defending the movie: weirdo pervs.

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