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Biden Forgets To Put On Clothes, Media Praises His Majestic Outfit

KISSIMMEE, FL—Joe Biden was taken out of the cooler in his campaign bus to give a speech at a campaign stop today, but oops! He forgot to put on clothes.

No worries for the Biden campaign, though. The media quickly praised his “regal” and “elegant” outfit, calling it “majestic” and “presidential.”

“Look at that perfect business suit he’s wearing — looks like real presidential material to me!” said one CNN reporter before going off to write a puff piece on Kamala Harris’ shoes.

“He’s quite a dresser — really knows how to wear that stylish and elegant suit well,” whispered an MSNBC reporter. “Well done, Joe. Well done indeed.”

But one young boy who wandered into the campaign event, thinking it to be a fun clown show, took one look at Biden and shouted, “Hey, he’s not wearing any clothes!”

The other journalists all turned and looked at him, shocked at his gaslighting.

“Get him!” they cried. But, instead of tackling him, they observed social distancing guidelines and simply went after his old tweets.

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