Jesus' Coming Back

It’s Not Just The Americans Encouraging Nationalism And Separatism

It is a known fact that the Americans have been encouraging nationalism, separatism, and even National Socialism for political gain around the world. This is no secret, and in spite of mountains of political propaganda and legal-sounding jargon heaped up with rhetoric and topped with legalese, the historical facts are clear and have been since the end of World War II, and the natural revelation, release, or both of government documents and personal testimonies consistently affirms this to be so. This pattern is not new, has been going on since the days of the “Great Game” of the nineteenth century, and is just the same today but with different faces, tools, and sometimes emphases.

A lot of people point their fingers at the US, and in fairness, she deserves this because of her role in generating said problems or participating in conflicts for political gain. But it is wrong to say “it is just the Americans’ fault” because there is another major player, and that is Russia. Far from the image of a “Christian” nation that just wants good for the whole world, Russia is basically America with a few differences, but in essence, the two nations are more alike than different.

Because of this reason, since it includes not just population but aspirations, ideology, sense of self and place in the world, Russia should be expected to respond similar to the US in many ways, but by means of her own peculiarities but the same in essential philosophy.

This is why we see Russia encouraging nationalism and separatism too, but in different areas, although sometimes they overlap. A particularly notable situation is that of Azov, which the US and Russia have been backing to advance their ends and has been covered on

Another interesting example of this recently came out from the Russian-backed (and likely front) of the “Strategic Culture Foundation”, which in an article encourages that Germany and the rest of Europe stop using English save for the British Isles.

In places like Poland, Russia and Kazakhstan the stock answer as to why the entire planet needs to learn English is something like “but it’s the international language”. When you ask them, why that is the case (who deemed this to be so and by what authority?) you are met with just blank stares as either their minds are open or they feel like a parent having to explain to their son why the sky is blue for the third time. The NPC programming has not worked out this if-then statement yet.

The uncomfortable actual reason that Europe “speaks” English is because the United States won the Cold War. After WWII half of the continent was occupied by the Soviet Union and the other half was occupied by the United States only we called it the Marshall Plan and NATO and other more friendly terminology. Had the Soviets won the conflict, then every human on Earth would know how to at least read the letters of the Cyrillic Alphabet. English today in Europe has left the same mark as Western European languages did in Africa – as a symbol of subordination. (source)

I love the irony, and the implied but not directly stated frustration most likely being conveyed through the article (in fairness I do not know his intentions, and in so far as the facts of the matter are concerned, he speaks correctly).

The struggle between the UK/USA and then Russian Empire/USSR/Russian Federation is a simply struggle for power that is a part of human history, and to the credit of the Anglos, while the Russians have a large geographic territory, the Anglos were more skilled in their approach that they conquered the world economically as well as culturally, and with that have the same resources the Russia has. Russia’s biggest asset is her hold on the “global pivot region”, which was a part of Mackinder’s hypothesis and I have written about before at, the essential theory being that most empires emerge from Central Asia due to geographical and political considerations, and that Russia’s control over that region not only gives her access to the resources of Siberia, but also allows her to control other nations, for without that region, she would just be an impoverished basin west of the Urals constrained to the worries of European politics in the West and besieged by the Turkic peoples in the east as she has been for centuries.

If the Russians had been able to assert themselves the way the Anglos have, the world would most certainly speak Russian as the “global language”, but that is not what ended up happening.

How many Africans use French in contrast to how many French colonizers learned local African languages? With few if zero exceptions the losers of history are forced to speak the language of the winners. So for the EU, its English based internationalism is a big Elephant in the room that no one ever speaks of and it was the presence of the United Kingdom that kept this question down for years. Having countless millions of native English speakers in the Union made universal English education seem reasonable or at least didn’t raise any red flags in the subconscious mind of the masses. But now the British are gone and they aren’t coming back. So why should children in Germany spend so much time fiddling with English? (source)

The reason why people don’t use Russian is not just because “they lost”, but because Russia has utterly failed to integrate other people into her sphere of influence, and the reason for this is because of her approach.

It is to the credit of the Anglos that in spite of brutality, they also have helped raise the standards of living for many people, and simply did not just take everything for themselves and their friends. This compares to the Russians, whose approach is more of that akin to a stereotypical “oriental despot” that takes the work of others for himself and his friends and leaves nothing for the creator. While this has happened in the US and anglosphere, it is far less than in Russia, where it is practically an unspoken rule.

This how English became prominent and the UK/USA took power, because they integrated people, helped them, and then those people and more wanted to be a part of their society. This is more than just immigration, which is certainly part of the approach, but because the influence of the British Empire and now the Americans, while problematic in some ways, also brings economic benefits. The ham-fisted brutality of the Russian approach benefitted people little while they suffered a lot and watch those who controlled the fist benefit from their gain. This pattern still happens today, and is why there is among the common people so much hopelessness and why so many want to emigrate to the western world and never look back. Likewise, Russia had a chance under the Bolsheviks to help those who she dominated in a similar way, and instead the memory that Poland, East Germany, Kaliningrad/Koenigsberg, Belarus, Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and even most of Central Asia have is that of being exploited and abused with no benefit to the people and no apologies for the past. Is

Who would not be jealous of such a thing in the case of the former, and what man would not want to avoid the fate of the latter? And to that, if one was that jealous at the success of another and was wanting to get his global power back, would he not attempt to deny the usefulness and purpose of the modern day lingua franca used by the current inner in the hope that he can replace it with his tongue in time?

The real center of Europe is shown by the so-called “Blue Banana” that goes right over the territory of the old Holy Roman Empire + England. This is the economic and population heart of Europe. Removing London from the picture linguistically, we are looking at an EU master language that should be something Franco-German-Italian. The languages of the Blue Banana are the actual means of human communication of the EU after Brexit. It seems much more logical for this organization to orient itself towards this language realm rather than to now foreigners outside of the European Union.

If the EU is actually as independent as it says it is, then perhaps now would be the time to start forcing children across the continent to learn French, German or Italian or some sort of combination of the three. Continuing to be dominated by the English language only proves the Political Realists right – that the EU is and always has been just a tool of Washington. A powerful independent union would surely speak its own language(s) wouldn’t it? With England gone now would be a good time for Europe to speak European and not the foreign squawking of the Anglo-Saxons.

His point about the “blue banana” makes sense. However, England has not only always been a part of European politics, but her language is the international language of business, science, technology, and economics as well. It is so much in this way that it has literally built itself into the systems that make up modern life in that it cannot be separated from them, and this has been so for about a century. The only way to undo this would be a massive catastrophe beyond human understanding that would wipe out technology and modern progress in these areas in a way that is difficult to describe.

The Russians had the chance to do this, but like with many things, they were too late and sub-par in what they generated, just like with many things, for in spite of Russian bluffing (as opposed to the Anglo-Saxon lying), they gave the impression of further progress but not actually having said progress claimed be true in practice.

Ultimately, the emphasis is not about language or even Russian domination in the world (for now), but about setting up the conditions to isolate the Anglosphere’s influence and eventually, England in a political sense from Germany, to encourage German separatism, and in the name of “European brotherhood” (another oxymoron if one looks at the history of Europe for a single page in a textbook) to create a peace between Germany and Russia so to help her rise and in doing so, help Russia fend off Anglo-American attempts to overtake her by splitting off Siberia from the rest of Russia into a series of smaller states that can be “influenced” geopolitically speaking.

Russia does not even care about Germany (and neither does the US), but rather like the US, to use the clock-like currents of Germanic history to her advantage. Thankfully, arguable propaganda pieces such as these (as it is difficult to say what category it would otherwise fit into) are easily addressed because their propositions are as likely unrealistic as is the change of realizing their intended outcomes.

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