Jesus' Coming Back

Donald Trump Mocks ‘Sleepy Joe Biden’ for Holding No Public Events

President Donald Trump mocked his rival former Vice President Joe Biden for hosting zero public events on Thursday.

“Sleepy Joe Biden just closed down his campaign for the day (Again),” Trump wrote on Twitter. “Wants to rest!”

The Biden campaign called a “lid” for reporters awaiting any activity from the campaign on Thursday, as the former Vice President is expected to focus on preparation for the debate.

Trump mocked Biden for his lack of energy on the campaign trail.

“He is a very LOW ENERGY INDIVIDUAL, and our Country cannot make it in these exciting, but complex and competitive times, with a Low Energy President!!!” he wrote.

Trump is revisiting the insult that he used against former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) during the 2016 Republican presidential primary.

“I used to call Jeb Bush, low energy. But I mean, if you compare the two, Jeb is extraordinarily energetic compared to Sleepy Joe,” Trump said in an interview with Fox Sports host Clay Travis last week.

Trump is planning two events on Thursday: A trip to North Carolina to talk about health care and a trip to Jacksonville, Florida, for an airport rally with supporters.

Biden has skipped public events nine out of 24 days in September.


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