Jesus' Coming Back

Rioters For Breonna Taylor Throw Molotov Cocktails At Police Officers And Throw “Softball Sized Rocks” At The Police Station

By Theodore Shoebat

The jacobin insanity continues, this time with hysteria over Breonna Taylor, regardless of the fact that the three officers involved in her death were cleared of any murder charges by a grand jury. Rioters in (not surprisingly) Portland threw molotov cocktails at officers and threw “softball sized rocks” at the police station. According to Fox News:

Overnight protests in Portland devolved into riots as demonstrators started fires and threw fireworks, and even Molotov cocktails, at police officers hours after a grand jury announced its decision to indict one of three officers on charges linked to the shooting that killed Breonna Taylor — but not her death.

The demonstration began at approximately 9:45 p.m. local time, when roughly 75 people descended upon the Multnomah County Justice Center and the Portland Police Bureau’s Central Precinct.

They blocked traffic on Southwest 2nd Avenue and began throwing “softball sized rocks” at the precinct’s windows, shattering the glass, according to a summary of events provided by police.

Demonstrators continued throwing rocks, eventually shattering the glass completely, at which point they “used slingshots to launch projectiles at a high velocity through the broken glass windows of Central Precinct,” police said. The group then allegedly tried breaking into the precinct through the front doors.

Police declared the demonstration an unlawful assembly, but the group showed no signs of letting up. They allegedly threw fireworks and glass bottles toward police and lit a side of the Justice Center on fire around 10:15 p.m., prompting officials to deem the event a riot.

The night continued to escalate further, with rioters throwing full soup cans and pointing lasers toward police officers. Videos recorded by on-the-ground reporters show someone throwing a Molotov cocktail at officers, which explodes as it lands among a crowd of police.

Two other Molotov cocktails were hurled at cops before the end of the night, officials said. At least one officer was struck by the Molotov cocktail, being hit in the foot, before a nearby Portland Fire Medic was able to extinguish the flames.

The riot concluded for the night at approximately 1:30 a.m., police said. Three officers suffered minor injuries over the course of the night, and police said multiple arrests were made.

These fanatics are looking for any reason to riot and bring about destruction. They don’t care about Breonna Taylor, and they sure as hell don’t care about truth; for if they did, they wouldn’t be enraged by this story, as it has been concluded as not a murder. Obviously, this was not murder, since the officers had no choice but to return fire when Breonna’s boyfriend was shooting at them. Moreover, there was a warrant for Breonna because, as authorities believed, she was collaborating with a drug dealer. The story of Breonna does not demonstrate “police brutality,” rather it is a reflection of a decaying society wherein women have relationships (and hold friendships) with drug dealers without any moral qualms because they think criminals “are cool” (and this unto itself is a form of mental dysfunction); and the fact that nobody in American society is pointing out the fact that Breonna was with a drug dealer (thus, if you sleep with criminals you put yourself at risk for a reckoning, either by criminals or by the authorities) and instead people are portraying her as some sleeping angel, tells me about how deep this spiritual cancer has permeated society.


Jesus Christ is King

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