Jesus' Coming Back

Anne Lotz Graham says America Has ‘Shaken Its Fist’ in God’s Face, Calls for Repentance

Anne Lotz Graham says America Has ‘Shaken Its Fist’ in God’s Face, Calls for Repentance

Evangelist Anne Graham Lotz, the daughter of the late Rev. Billy Graham, is calling the nation to repentance in light of its continual moral decline and rejection of God.

In an interview with The Christian Post, Lotz explained how God has been gradually erased in society and how it will result in divine judgment, as seen in Romans 1.

“When you do that, God just backs away,” Lotz asserted.

“God gives us over to ourselves, and I believe that is where we are right now; it really is the judgment of God,” she continued. “America has a window of opportunity to return to the Lord, but it’s just a window, and it’s going to close. We’re going to find our nation without God, and without Him, we don’t have His protection, we don’t have His wisdom.”

She continued, “If we’re not careful, we’re going to totally lose our way. America will become unrecognizable. The world is a very dangerous place right now. We desperately need God.”

On Saturday, Lotz will be partaking in The Return, a national and global prayer event at the National Mall in Washington D.C.

Messianic Pastor and best-selling author Jonathan Cahn will be leading the event which will also be streamed live in over 90 languages. Leaders from over 150 nations are expected to participate in the event. Among those participating are Dr. James Dobson, Pat Robertson, Mike Lindell, Alveda King, Kevin Jessip, Michele Bachmann, Kevin Sorbo, Gordon Robertson, Marcus Lamb, Bishop Harry Jackson, and more.

According to The Christian Post, Lotz previously turned down opportunities to participate in Cahn’s events because she felt like revival would not come “until we were desperate for it.”

Growing up as a child, Lotz would ask her mother, Ruth Graham, “With all of father’s meetings and events that have taken place, why haven’t we had a revival?”

“And my mother said, ‘It’s because we’re not desperate enough.’ So I always felt like something needed to trigger it,” Lotz told the outlet. “But Jonathan kept telling me he felt strongly impressed by the Lord that a call to revival needed to be held in September of 2020. So based on his strong conviction and my belief that we need to return to the Lord, I agreed to participate in The Return back in January.”

Throughout 2020, Lotz explained how the nation has experienced constant chaos such as the pandemic, an economic recession, as well as an uprise of anarchy by “evil people” who have used the deaths of people like George Floyd to spread their “wicked agendas.”

“It’s more than unrest. It feels like we’re being attacked invisibly,” she argued. “My prayer is that this is the trigger. If this doesn’t make us desperate for revival, if this doesn’t make us return to the Lord and beg for His mercy, then I’m not sure anything will. We’re in a freefall.”


Franklin Graham Invites Christians to Attend Prayer March in Washington D.C.

America Is ‘Crumbling,’ Only God Can Fix It, Franklin Graham Says

Photo courtesy: ©Getty Images/Brian Blanco/Stringer

Milton Quintanilla is a freelance writer. Visit his blog Blessed Are The Forgiven.


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