Jesus' Coming Back

Coronavirus lockdown starts Friday at 2 p.m. – what you need to know


Limitations on visits:

> It is forbidden to visit the residence of others (except in the permitted cases such as fixing an urgent issue, or
helping someone in need)> It is forbidden to go to the beach, except for the purpose of permitted sport activities (including one person / persons who live together swimming, and arrived at the beach not using a car) Rules of conduct in public spaces:

> Gatherings of up to 20 people outdoors or 10 people indoors in the case of immediate family> Prayer – in accordance with the 1000 meter distance It is not permitted to pray with another person indoors. Prayer services must only be held outdoors, up to 20 people (not including Yom Kippur, on which there will be special regulations)
> Maintaining a distance of 2 meters between people Restrictions on travelling in cars – up to 3 people (with the exception of those who live together) and one additional passenger for each additional rear row of seatsRestrictions on commercial, recreational and leisure activities:

> It is forbidden to open business and places open to the public (including commercial businesses, restaurants except for delivery, pools, gyms, barbers and salons, beauty parlors, places of recreational and leisure activities) and also to public reception at permitted places of work> It is forbidden to operate a market (shuk), fair, or on operating a stall, including a food stall in a marketExceptions:

> Essential Stores: food, optics, pharmacies and hygiene supplies, household maintenance, electrical appliances, laundromats,
communications appliance, and communication appliance repair services> Hotels and guest units are closed for vacationers> Places used only for practice by professional athletes> It is permitted to go and procure the Four Species, products for the Sukkah and to partake in the tradition of Kaparot. As such,
it is possible to operate a business which sells these products, or which is staged for the Kaparot. It is not permitted to open
a market or stall for the Four Species (they may only be sold in essential stores or in stores which sell only the Four Species).
What is permitted beyond 1 kilometer?
> Travel to work of an essential worker / soldier (the list of essential workplaces will be published by the Finance Ministry)> Procurement of medicines, food, and essential products and services> Provision of aid of a person in need

> Reception of medical, psychological, alternative medicine, social, and welfare treatments (1 patient)
> Travel to the Knesset, judicial proceedings, and blood donations> Exercise, alone / those who live together without distance limitations, and without car travel> Participation in a funeral or circumcision

> Arrival of a woman at a ritual bath (mikveh)> Participation of a leader of prayer services in High Holiday prayers, who has received approval from the Ministry of Religious Services> Reception of critical treatment for animals> Transfer of a minor between parents who do not live together / transfer of a minor to a guardian when a single parent leaves for
an essential purpose> Travel to permitted educational activities (special education, children of essential workers)
> Travel of residents of welfare facilities or people with disabilities to visit immediate family, or for immediate family to visit them
> Visitation of immediate family to the grave of a fallen soldier of the Yom Kippur War
> Moving residence> Flights / public transportation in accordance with published regulations


Jesus Christ is King

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