Jesus' Coming Back

Iranian Christians’ Adopted Child to Be Removed From Their Care

(Article 18) Lydia was just three months old when she was adopted by Iranian Christian converts Sam Khosravi and wife Maryam Falahi.

Now, just one month before her second birthday, a court has ruled she must be taken away from them, as Sam and Maryam – who are currently appealing against convictions related to their membership of a house-church — are “not fit” to be her parents.

The ruling, handed down by a court in their home city of Bushehr, southwestern Iran, on 19 July but not reported until now, was upheld by a court of appeal on Tuesday, 22 September, despite the judge in his initial verdict acknowledging that Lydia felt an “intense emotional attachment” to her adoptive parents and saying there was “zero chance” another adoptive family would be found for her, given Lydia’s health problems.

It is now anticipated that Iran’s State and Welfare Organization will seek to remove Lydia from Sam and Maryam’s care as soon as they are made aware of the failed appeal.

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