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Chris Wallace’s Impartiality Questioned Due To His Giant Foam Finger Reading ‘Biden 2020’

Chris Wallace’s Impartiality Questioned Due To His Giant Foam Finger Reading ‘Biden 2020’

CLEVELAND, OH—Some are questioning Chris Wallace’s neutrality in the debate tonight. Many say he constantly interrupted Trump and refused to challenge Biden. But others are pointing to more obvious clues, like the giant foam finger he wore that read “Biden 2020.”

“I just don’t feel like this guy is being totally unbiased,” said one viewer. “But, to be frank, I can’t really put my finger on the reason. He just really seems to be thumbing his nose at the idea of impartiality.”

“I wish I could point to the reason I suspect him of bias. His questions just didn’t quite have the ring of fairness about them. We could make an index of all the times he interrupted Trump, while he seemed to have some kind of pinky promise with Joe Biden not to contradict him. He just wasn’t in the middle.”

“I gotta hand it to him though: he had a real grip of the issues.”

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