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Trump Throws Biden Off His Game By Wearing Luscious Women’s Wig To Debate

CLEVELAND, OH—In a diabolical power-move that threw off Biden’s debate game and shocked the audience, Trump went into his debate with Biden wearing a woman’s wig. 

“I’ll bet you didn’t expect this,” said Trump as he tossed the hair back and forth in front of Biden’s nose. “You want to sniff it, don’t ya? What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue?”

Moderator Chris Wallace looked off in the distance and shed a tear, wondering what had become of his career as well as his country. “Ok, Mr. President, can we put the wig down? We have some important questions to ask here,” he said.

“No, I think I like it. I think I’ll keep wearing it.” Trump turned to the audience. “What do you think folks? Should I keep it?” 

The crowd of supporters screamed their approval. As the debate dragged on, Biden got more visibly uncomfortable as he kept eyeing Trump’s high-quality wig.

Finally, unable to stand it anymore, Biden dove across the stage, grabbed Trump’s shoulders, and sunk his nose deep into the flowing locks.

Chis Wallace shed another tear, obviously touched by Biden’s passionate gesture.

“Aw, classic Joe!” responded a CNN anchor covering the event. 

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