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‘Fearfully and Wonderfully Made’: Creation Museum Opens $1.2 Million Pro-Life Exhibit

‘Fearfully and Wonderfully Made’: Creation Museum Opens $1.2 Million Pro-Life Exhibit

A brand new exhibit, titled “Fearfully and Wonderfully Made” was recently launched at the Creation Museum in Petersburg, Kentucky that provides a biblical case for the sanctity of human life amid the current issue of abortion.

The meaning behind the name originates from Psalm 139:14 which reads, “I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.”

“As a ministry, we’re all about biblical authority and a Christian worldview,” Ken Ham the CEO of the Creation Museum explained to The Christian Post. “Abortion is one of the key social issues of today, and we knew it would be an even bigger political issue this year because of the election. We wanted to make something that was powerful and stunning and would help people be more informed about this issue.”

Ham, who also leads the apologetics ministry, Answers In Genesis, argued that the Bible makes  clear that all of humanity is made in the image of God “and have inerrant value and worth.”

“We go through the biblical relevance of all of that,” he added.

Dr. David Mention, an award-winning professor from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, oversaw the research taken in the creation of the “Fearfully and Wonderfully Made” exhibit.

The exhibit features life-like models of babies throughout its 9-month development in the womb, alongside 4D ultrasound videos and the science behind human reproduction and fertilization.

“We explain that scientifically at fertilization you have a unique combination of information for both mother and father,” Ham said. “In other words, you are not just a part of a woman’s body. You are scientifically a unique individual at fertilization.”

Ham noted how the artists and designers behind the life-like models “used computer programs to design models from a fertilized egg all the way through to a baby.”

“Each stage corresponds with certain aspects of human development such as when the heartbeat starts, when the fingerprints appear, and so on, all the way through to a baby just before birth,” he continued.

The exhibit also serves as a positive reminder that God extends His forgiveness and love to those who have faced the difficult issues of abortion and miscarriage.

“We focus on God’s love and forgiveness, and that’s important,” Ham asserts. “We give viewers an understanding that God is a God who forgives, and He’s a God of love so that they can be assured of that. It’s a very positive exhibit.”

While Ham affirms that abortion contradicts the Word of God, he told The Christian Post that “Fearfully and Wonderfully Made” is “not an anti-abortion exhibit.”

“We do take a stand against abortion, but the exhibit really focuses on the biblical relevance that we’re fearfully and wonderfully made and details from the Bible, what God’s Word says about humanity, and how humans are made in God’s image,” Ham stated. “It’s not attacking anyone, but we do deal with the reality of what abortion is.”

The new exhibit is merely part one of a two-part exhibit, which is currently a work in progress.

“There’s going to be a lot more information coming when we get phase two done,” Ham noted. “But I believe personally, ‘Fearfully and Wonderfully Made’ is the most powerful pro-life exhibit in the world.”

The second part of the exhibit will feature “incredible design of the placenta,” alongside aspects that are unbeknownst to others.

With the recent nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S Supreme Court, Ham believes that the new exhibit is “timely” in educating people on having a proper discussion on the issue of abortion, especially in light of the current presidential election.

The “Fearfully and Wonderfully Made” exhibit officially opened to the public on Sept. 25. Ham amongst others who worked on the exhibit took part in a dedication ceremony a day before its launch.

Photo courtesy: Creation Museum

Milton Quintanilla is a freelance writer. Visit his blog Blessed Are The Forgiven.


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