Trump’s Hospital Room Flooded With ‘Get Dead Soon’ Cards From Democrats
WASHINGTON, D.C.—It’s been a trying time for the country and President Donald Trump as he has been stuck at Walter Reed Medical Center trying to get better. Keeping Trump company is a flood of cards from Democrats wishing him to “Get dead soon.”
“I hope you die!”, “You deserve this!”, and “I want you to die and go to hell — Russian hell!” read some of the cards sent by poor-wishers, cards that now decorate the president’s room. Such cards have become so popular that Hallmark has added a “For Sick Presidents You Don’t Like” section, including some humorous ones where a cartoon cat dances on Trump’s grave.
Trump seemed cheered by the attention. “I had these long stretches where I wasn’t on Twitter,” Trump told reporters, tears welling in his eyes, “and I thought maybe the losers and the haters forgot me. But there they were, hating me just as much even when I wasn’t saying anything.”
Trump’s doctors say the outpouring of hate seemed to have given Trump energy and helped him during the worst part of his COVID-19 infection. “Trump knows people need him,” said Dr. Sean Conley, “need him to hate, and he’s not going to let them down.”
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