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VP Debate Crowd Goes Wild As Trump Emerges With A Steel Chair

SALT LAKE CITY, UT—The VP Debate between Mike Pence and Kamala Harris started on a rather dull note since neither candidate resorted to interrupting, name-calling, or yelling. Fortunately, Trump livened things up when he showed up out of nowhere swinging a steel folding chair. 

“This debate is BORING! Terrible ratings, Mikey! Tag me in!” Trump yelled as he entered the arena to thunderous applause and blaring music.

Vice President Pence reluctantly tagged in Trump who grabbed the microphone and ripped off his shirt revealing his new wrestling uniform. 

“Not so fast Donald!” said Kamala Harris. As everyone cheered, she tagged in Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson who entered the stage to do battle with President Trump.

Unfortunately, no one got to see the match since the debate moderators turned off the mic and cut the live feed.

The entire hall then became flooded with liberal tears and had to be evacuated. 

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