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W.H. Spox: Scully Tweet Shows He Isn’t Impartial, ‘Calls Into Question’ ‘The Debate Commission’s Judgment’

On Thursday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Fox News @ Night,” White House Deputy Communications Director Brian Morgenstern reacted to a tweet from C-SPAN host and planned debate moderator Steve Scully’s account asking Anthony Scaramucci if he should respond to President Donald Trump’s criticisms of Scully by stating that Scully isn’t impartial and “that really calls into question, again, the Debate Commission’s judgment here.”

Morgenstern said, “[I]f anybody’s having a bad week, it’s certainly the Presidential Debate Commission, with the way they’ve handled this. And now, their chosen moderator certainly seems not to be very impartial. The first one — Susan Page, of course, is writing the glowing biography of Speaker Pelosi and now, Mr. Scully, who interned for Joe Biden now colluding…with the Mooch. … I think the cat’s out of the bag. I don’t think Mr. Scully is impartial. So, that really calls into question, again, the Debate Commission’s judgment here.”

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