Jesus' Coming Back

Donald Trump to Rush Limbaugh: When We Are Beating the Left They Call Us Racist

President Donald Trump on Friday defended himself and his supporters against allegations that they were “racist.”

Trump spoke about the left during a virtual radio rally with talk radio legend Rush Limbaugh on Friday, in response to a question from a listener.

“When we are beating them they have nothing else to fall back on but the word racist,” he said. “It means that when you’re winning and you’re just knocking the hell out of them, they have nothing else to say, they call you a racist and this has been going on for decades.”

Trump said he and Limbaugh were constantly accused of being racists by the left, but said that many Americans could see through the political tactic.

“I don’t know that you’re going to stop it, but people are wise to it and people are rolling their eyes now. They’re rolling their eyes.” he said, calling the allegation “disgusting.”

The event was described by the Trump campaign as the “largest virtual rally in radio history” offering the president the opportunity to speak directly to Limbaugh’s audience.

The president spoke to Limbaugh for two hours on the program, even taking a few emailed questions from the audience.


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