Jesus' Coming Back

Russia Asks For Peace in The Arctic While She Proceeds To Militarize It has noted that a trend to watch for within the larger context of a coming global war will be militarization of the Arctic and the fights for the war being taken to the North Pole regions. The reason for this is largely because of Russia, since due to geopolitical and historical reasons, Russia knows that she is likely going to get hurt badly in a major war and so is anticipating major possible losses of people and territory in her southern regions. Since she cannot afford another “Battle of Stalingrad” type scenario, as it was not the superiority of the Soviet military but a miracle of a very cold winter that gave victory to them, and that there are large oil reserves in the Arctic that could mitigate losses in the Caspian Sea region, the Russians have been actively militarizing the Arctic, to which the Americans have responded by making war preparations aggressively in that region.

However, according to an article from the Russian-backed Strategic Culture Foundation, it says that it is the Americans who are making a mistake responding to Russian militarization and need to step back.

In the most recent DOD Arctic Strategy Report which has shaped this suicidal battle plan, Russia and China are defined as nothing but existential threats to the world order which must he stopped at all costs with the report’s authors stating:

“In different ways, Russia and China are challenging the rules-based order in the Arctic. U.S. interests include limiting the ability of China and Russia to leverage the region as a corridor for competition that advances their strategic objectives through malign or coercive behavior.”

Describing this aggressive display that folds into the renewed threats of attack faced by dangerous NATO maneuvers across Europe in recent months, Russian Major General Vladimir Popov told Sputnik News:

“Alaska is remote from the U.S. mainland, but is an outpost in relation to Russia—we are separated only by a strait, and the border is literally within the line of sight. This is a strategic region for the U.S. Adding 150 more fighters would at least double the combat potential of the existing forces there.”

In the updated March 2020 Continuity of Government protocols, General Terrance O’Shaunessy (head of both NORAD and NORTHCOM) would take the “temporary” reins of the presidency under crisis conditions of ungovernability which are not too difficult to imagine amidst the storms currently sweeping America. Military staff who would take up a parallel chain of command continue to be stationed 650 meters below Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado where they have been deployed since March 2020 following Mark Espers’ orders to NORTHCOM to “prepare to deploy”.

O’Shawnessy has repeatedly echoed the views of the Washington/NATO establishment that the greatest threats to the world stem from Russia and China directly referencing their supposedly nefarious intentions in the Arctic.

Rather than bring the forces of war to the Arctic, Russia and China have together been demonstrating a far more efficient and moral approach which certain patriotic forces within North America tend to be in alignment with, including the current President.

Since January 2018, the Arctic has increasingly become dominated by the positive extension of the New Silk Road northward in the form of the maritime and land based “Polar Silk Road” which has united brilliantly with President Putin’s Far East development program. This program aims to increase arctic shipping five fold by 2024 and begin a bold program of infrastructure, rail, road, pipeline, mining and port building in order to begin accessing the vital raw materials desperately needed for the coming centuries of multipolar development.

On September 26, President Trump working alongside political allies in Alaska, Alberta and the private sector alike streamlined a project which taps into this spirit of genuine economic cooperation and long term thinking unseen in decades in the form of the Alaska-Canada Rail connection. Looking at the business models guiding this emerging project, it is important to note that the destructive thinking of globalization and zero sum logic are not to be found at all as the entire program is vectored on tying North America economic interests into China’s Belt and Road and growing Asian markets.

As I wrote in my recent report Trump’s A Revival of the Wallace Doctrine for the Post-War World, the last serious pro-development strategy to arise from a leading American politician took the form of President Franklin Roosevelt’s ardent anti-imperial Vice President Henry Wallace, who spent years with his Russian counterparts during WWII arranging the conditions of mutual development of both nations during the post-War age with a strong focus on the long awaited Bering Strait Rail connection and obvious Alaska-Canada transport corridors. In his Two Peoples One Friendship, Wallace described his discussions with Foreign Minister Molotov in 1942 saying:

“Of all nations, Russia has the most powerful combination of a rapidly increasing population, great natural resources and immediate expansion in technological skills. Siberia and China will furnish the greatest frontier of tomorrow… When Molotov [Russia’s Foreign Minister] was in Washington in the spring of 1942 I spoke to him about the combined highway and airway which I hope someday will link Chicago and Moscow via Canada, Alaska and Siberia. Molotov, after observing that no one nation could do this job by itself, said that he and I would live to see the day of its accomplishment. It would mean much to the peace of the future if there could be some tangible link of this sort between the pioneer spirit of our own West and the frontier spirit of the Russian East.” (source)

I’m not trying to play the “who is better” game for countries here. Rather, I am pointing out that not only is this a major trend, but that this article admits the trend while also serving as a poor attempt to gaslight the readers as to the reality of what is happening.

It is rather obvious that it is the Russians who started militarizing the Arctic in a serious way. There is nothing wrong with admitting this, just as there is nothing wrong with admitting how it was the Americans who destabilized the Middle East. This does not speak to what one thinks about them or the objective morality of a situation, but that of rather what happened. However, it is a major trend to be aware of, as it will have potentially serious geopolitical impacts for the future.

America does not want “friendship”, but neither does Russia. This is not a case of ‘good versus evil’, but the continuation of the ‘Great Game’ of the 19th century, and right now, Russia is losing badly and it could lead, as the Jamestown Institute has noted, to a breakup of Russia and her isolation as a nation to the lands that are west of the Urals. There is plenty of occultism and unnatural behavior on both sides, and what one emphasizes publicly, the other does so in private or permits privately for the exact same ends.

Russia is only talking about the US involvement as “suicidal” because it is an attempt to divert from the fact that between well-below replacement fertility rates, mass migration, a population that drops by an average of a million people per year even after factoring in an average migration rate from Central Asia of a half-a-million per year, increasing HIV/AIDS rates, crumbling infrastructure, rising nationalism in her Siberian regions, expanding poverty, religion as a cover for nationalism, and general unhappiness with most of the people who want rather to leave than stay, Russia is going aggressively into the Arctic as a last-attempt to save herself and she wants to be left alone so she can try to rebuild what she has left from what she has wasted after a century of  Bolshevism.

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Jesus Christ is King

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