Mark Zuckerberg Pops Out Of Man’s Shower To Warn Him The Story He’s Reading Is Fake News

Mark Zuckerberg Pops Out Of Man’s Shower To Warn Him The Story He’s Reading Is Fake News
BURLINGTON, NJ—Local man Bradley Waters was reading an interesting story he’d seen on Facebook while on the toilet this morning. He wasn’t sure if everything in the story was true, but he thought it was a significant story anyway. He was about to share it on Facebook with some thoughtful comments encouraging his friends to check it out and use their own judgment to figure out if it’s true.
But just as his finger hovered over the share button, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg jumped out from behind his shower curtain to warn him the story might be fake news.
“Greetings, Facebook user! That news story may not be true!” Zuckerberg said as he threw back the curtain, startling Waters half to death.
“AHHHHHH!!!” screamed the man on the toilet as he frantically tried to cover up.
“Now, if you’ll hand over your phone, I’ll make sure that story is permanently blocked so you never have to see that fake news trash again.”
Waters attempted to have Zuckerberg removed from his house, but the tech CEO pointed out the section of Facebook’s terms of service that clearly lays out Zuckerberg’s right to come into your home and correct you on fake news at any time. It also gives Zuckerberg unlimited snack privileges.
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