Jesus' Coming Back

Israel’s preschools resume on Sunday. What will classrooms look like?

The Health and Education ministries met late into the night on Thursday to prepare an outline for opening preschools on Sunday. Those schools that are not prepared by then can wait until Monday, the ministries said.
What will schooling look like?
> Schools will be open for children ages three to six
> Classes will take place six days a week or according to the standard practice of the preschool
> Full-time teachers and aides will work according to their usual routine
> Special babysitting centers will be available for the children of preschool teachers and other staff
> After school programs will run five days per week, ideally with a group of up to 35 children from the same classroom. If necessary, up to three classrooms can join together, but then the number of children can only be up to 28
> Teachers and staff will wear masks and plastic face shields
> Children will be required to bring a signed health form with them each day
> Substitute teachers and aides can work in up to three preschools
Preschools in red zones will be handled differently. More information about those schools should be available Saturday night.
Special education classes and programs for youth-at-risk will continue as usual.
Beginning on Sunday, businesses that don’t serve customers, preschools, nature reserves, national parks, beaches, the Western Wall, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and the Temple Mount will open. At the same time, restaurants will be able to serve takeaway, the ban on traveling more than one kilometer from home will be lifted and people will be allowed to visit the homes of their extended family and friends.

Finally, people will be able to gather in groups of 10 inside and 20 outside.


Jesus Christ is King

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