Jesus' Coming Back

Alex Jones’ Claim Is Either Arguably The Clearest Case Of Slander And Libel That Ever Existed, Or There Is Something To It

Alex Jones is known for making very flamboyant statements. According to a recent article and video, he has declared that Hunter Biden is on video raping and murdering underage girls according to InfoWars.

Alex Jones breaks down the bombshell developments surrounding Hunter Biden’s hard drive, which allegedly contain thousands of images and videos of sexually explicit material, including Hunter raping and torturing underage Chinese girls. President Trump is reportedly in possession of Hunter’s hard drive and is preparing to release it to the public.

The disturbing revelations come after a Chinese media dissident warned in September that Hunter Biden’s hard drives would be leaked to the Department of Justice and Western media to expose the Bidens’ corrupt ties to the Chinese Communist Party. (source)

Now, I want to be very clear, that I generally do not cite InfoWars as a source. However, there is actually a serious reason why I am writing on this. Make no mistake, I assume, imply, or declare ABSOLUTELY NOTHING as fact until there is substantial proof regarding this.

But Alex Jones? According to his own words, he is very convinced of this. You can watch his whole video, but he openly declares that all of the above claims- the rape, torture, and murder of underage girls -is, in his words, starting at about 19:40,

…that it’s all confirmed, what’s on the laptop,

See it for yourself.

Follow my logic for a minute on this and you’ll see why I am concerned about this.

Again, I am going to repeat this in big text so there is no doubt:


Now let’s get into the substance of my concern.

We know what the story that Jones has said is, but let’s say that Hunter Biden didn’t rape any children and therefore there is no video evidence of him raping children. Indeed, this is what we really hope for, since one does not want to wish such a grave evil on any man or child. This would mean that Infowars and likewise anybody with a major public platform that is discussing this right now, such as Rudy Giuliani, are outright lying in an attempt to defame Hunter Biden and therefore Joe Biden.

Do you realize how serious this is? This would be the most obvious, blatant, malicious, cut and dry case of slander and libel possibly in existence today or in American history. The immediate result would be that Hunter Biden would then be able to sue Infowars out of existence as well as a great many people promoting this story, and take every last penny they have, and it is completely understandable why he would do that because such accusations are highly destructive. One can only look at the case of Nick Sandmann and regardless of what one thinks of him, he won a substantial fiscal settlement because of the slander and libel made against him.

It is impossible to tell me that Infowars is not intimately aware of the legal risks they face in making such a statements. We at know this very well, and we regularly will try to be as careful as we can to maintain our objectivity in educating the public without wrongly libeling another man, since not only is a legal crime, but it is also a moral issue for the sake of both mercy and justice to the person in question.

This is where things get interesting: Knowing all of this, they still have gone ahead and decided to suggest that the videos do exist and therefore that Hunter Biden has, in fact, raped and tortured underage girls. This logical process, to know the above and yet to proceed anyways to make such a series of statements can only be explained by two ways- either both are insane to the point of near suicidal desires or tendencies, or they know full well that the video is legitimate, they have seen a copy of it, and possibly it is in their possession to release. These are the only two options that make any sense.

Likewise, note the strange silence from the mainstream media outlets. Where is ABC, NBC, CNN, Washington Post, New York Times, talking about this story at all? With a claim so grandiose and serious, and absolutely loony-sounding when one hears it, it should be so easy to disprove considering they have and do routinely invest resources to disprove many other stories.

Ask yourself, why doesn’t it seem that they are touching this one?

Likewise, where is Joe Biden in all of this? There does not seem to have been (at least from what I have been able to obtain) any statement from his campaign that makes an attempt at directly addressing this claim given how extreme and large it is. Would not the Biden campaign see this as not just an attack, but an opportunity to viciously smear their opponents with their own words and claims?

It is very odd.

One now can see the situation that we may be looking at, for either InfoWars and those who have stepped in to promote this particular story is walking into possibly the largest ever slander and libel (since this is spoken and written) ever in American history, or there is soemthing to these claims of that serious a nature.

Forget about October Surprise, because this is a three-ring circus of chaos, and at this point it is just to watch and see what happens.

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Jesus Christ is King

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