Jesus' Coming Back

Catholic Archbishop Pays for Portland, Leads ‘Exorcism’ of City

Catholic Archbishop Pays for Portland, Leads ‘Exorcism’ of City

A Catholic archbishop in Portland led a prayer session and “exorcism” over the city and asked God to help end the violence and riots there, CBN News reports.

Portland’s Archbishop Alexander Sample prayed at his parish, Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, before a Catholic sacrament and then led a Procession down the street on October 17th.

Sample called the event an “exorcism” of Portland, but he said it was more tongue-in-cheek than a true exorcism. According to CBN News, he stated, “I wasn’t trying to suggest that I think the city of Portland is possessed. It’s not that at all. It’s just a prayer of blessing prayed by the clergy, especially a bishop over a community just asking that all the influences of the Evil One be driven away.”

However, some really do believe there is a wickedness in the air at Portland. One reporter, Andy Ngo, stated on Twitter “Many of the people I’ve seen engaging in violence in Portland can only be described as wicked.”

Andy Ngo is a journalist who had been previously beaten and harassed by Antifa activists in Portland. He was sent to the hospital for injuries sustained by rioters.

But Andy Ngo isn’t the only one Tweeting about there being evil in Portland. Others in the comments section of his tweets have echoed his sentiments. One wrote, “I believe we are witnessing spiritual warfare.”

The Twitter account Cultural Front, also asserted that “Demonic possession seems to be an accurate description of what causes these Antifa people to do some of the things they do.”

But, according to Andy Ngo, this is just the beginning. In a separate Twitter post, he exposed Antifa Portland’s next steps if President Trump wins on election day.

“A coalition of Antifa groups in Portland have already announced their post-election protest plans. They’re calling for a week of shutting down businesses. They’re meeting on 4 Nov. at the North Park Blocks in downtown.”

He cited the Pacific Northwest Community Action Network’s blog post titled “Week of Action: November 4th – 11th, 2020.” In the blog post, they state, “We join the People’s Strike campaign in calling for nationwide sustained resistance after the election, and echo calls for international resistance to fascism in the first week of November. We’re in a crisis – let’s act like it.”

The People’s Strike is an activist group urging for shutdowns amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Photo courtesy: Josh Herrington/Unsplash

John Paluska has been a contributor for Christian Headlines since 2016 and is the founder of The Daily Fodder, a news outlet he relaunched in 2019 as a response to the constant distribution of fake news.


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