Jesus' Coming Back

Melania Trump Blasts Democrats, Media: Their ‘Display of Hatred Is on Display to this Day’

First Lady Melania Trump delivered remarks in Atglen, Pennsylvania, on Tuesday and called out Democrats and the establishment media for their display of “hatred” against her husband, his administration, and their supporters.

While the Chinese coronavirus began to spread across the globe, Democrats focused solely on removing President Trump from office, “wasting America taxpayer dollars in a sham impeachment,” Trump said. “They cared more about removing our elected president.”

The “sham” she continued, was “led by opposition, and their display of hatred is on display to this day.”

“Children watching and learning about politics in our country deserve a better display of political responsibility and respect for our sacred institutions,” she said to applause before turning her focus to Joe Biden (D), specifically, and the establishment media.

“Joe Biden attacked President Trump’s decision to put the American people first and closing travel from China. He called it xenophobic hysteria. Now he suggests that he could have done a better job,” she said.

“Well, the American people can look at Joe Biden’s 36 years in Congress and eight years in the vice presidency and determine whether they think he will finally be able to get something done for the American people,” she continued.

The first lady said the election is about “our children’s futures” and promised that, as long as her husband holds office, American family values and founding virtues will “continue to be cherished and upheld.”

“The Democrats, with help from the media, have worked tirelessly to all but destroy our traditional values,” Trump continued, highlighting the hypocrisy.

Before Donald Trump decided to run for president as a Republican, the media “loved him because they saw the man I see every day,” she said, describing the president as “tough, successful, and fair.”

“And handsome,” someone shouted from the crowd, triggering a smile from the first lady, who cheerfully agreed.

“A man who sees potential in everyone he meets no matter their gender, race, religion, or sexual orientation. A man who has a very big heart and has a great sense of humor,” she continued.

However, after Trump entered the presidential race as a Republican, the media “created a different picture of my husband — one I don’t recognize,” she told the crowd, adding that the media also “treated all his supporters with equal disdain.”

The establishment media machine is more focused, she said, on gossip and palace intrigue, “editorializing real events and policies with their own bias and agendas.”

“This election isn’t just about the next year. It’s about the next four years and beyond,” the first lady added. “It’s about continuing to set this country on a course of real prosperity and success. We can’t and shouldn’t go backward.”


Jesus Christ is King

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