5 Deadliest COVID Districts in US Have Dem Reps – Look Who Represents the Worst One; DOJ Zeroes In On Cuomo’s COVID Cover-Up, and other C-Virus Updates

5 Deadliest COVID Districts in US Have Dem Reps – Look Who Represents the Worst One:
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez likes criticizing Republicans, particularly President Donald Trump, over their handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.
On Oct. 6, for instance, AOC criticized Trump for advising Republicans to hold off on negotiating a COVID-19 relief package until after the presidential election given House Leader Nancy Pelosi and her fellow Democrats’ radical partisanship during stimulus negotiations.
“What an anti-everybody agenda looks like,” the New York Democrat tweeted Oct. 6.
“The President & GOP are walking away from getting ANY COVID stimulus relief done, effectively endangering millions, after *they* themselves got COVID & enjoyed free socialized healthcare, so they can push through an anti-ACA SCOTUS pick.”—>READ MORE HERE
Justice Department Zeroes In On Cuomo’s COVID Cover-Up:
The U.S. Justice Department vastly expanded an inquiry on Wednesday that could determine whether New York is undercounting COVID-19 deaths among nursing home residents, demanding detailed data from hundreds of private facilities.
The demand dials up pressure on Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo after months of bipartisan criticism that the state’s official tally of 6,722 dead at long-term care facilities is probably off by thousands.
That’s because New York, unlike nearly every other state, counts only residents who died on a nursing home’s property and not those who died after being taken to a hospital.
Cuomo’s administration has repeatedly refused to release such nursing home data to lawmakers and the media. —>READ MORE HERE
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