Jesus' Coming Back

Anonymous Top-Level White House Official Revealed To Be Jussie Smollett

WASHINGTON, D.C.—The White House official inside the Trump administration who penned an anonymous op-ed for The New York Times two years ago has been revealed as Hollywood actor Jussie Smollett.

“Mr. Smollett approached us with this anonymous report from inside the White House, and we felt we had a duty to relay his story to the American people,” said a New York Times editor. “We still believe the characterization of Mr. Smollett as a senior, top-level, super-important official in the Trump administration was accurate.”

“Every word of my op-ed was true,” said Jussie. “From the part about Trump being a big meanie to the story about the White House janitors assaulting me and saying, ‘This is MAGA country!’, every single part of my account was accurate.”

The account contained juicy narratives like Smollett writing about the time Trump called him into the office and shouted at him for being black, and the harrowing account of how Trump would sigh and look out the window and say, “Man, I wish I could be as much of a dictator as Hitler. That guy was really amazing.”

Smollett has been offered a job as a CNN analyst following the revelation.


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