Classic Prankster: ACB Frightens Republican Colleagues By Dressing Up As Nancy Pelosi For Halloween

Classic Prankster: ACB Frightens Republican Colleagues By Dressing Up As Nancy Pelosi For Halloween
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Justice Amy Coney Barrett is already making a name for herself among the other justices as being something of a prankster. She reportedly dressed up in the most terrifying costume of all this Halloween: Nancy Pelosi. Then she scared each of her Republican colleagues in turn.
“Bwah!” screamed Justice Clarence Thomas as Justice Barrett popped out from behind the bench and yelled, “WE HAVE TO PASS OBAMACARE TO FIND OUT WHAT’S IN IT!”
“Now that’s scary!” he chuckled. “Classic ACB!”
“WE SHOULD IMPEACH TRUMP AGAIN!” she shouted later as she leaped out at Justice Brett Kavanaugh in the Supreme Court break room.
“What the — goodness, you scared me!” Kavanaugh said. “You almost made me drop my beer, Amy! Don’t do that!”
Next year, Barrett is reportedly going to frighten the liberal justices by dressing up as the Constitution.
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