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Biden Campaign Begins To Worry as Black, Latino Disaster Looms; Isn’t Getting the Minority Vote He Needs, and related stories

Biden Campaign Begins To Worry as Black, Latino Disaster Looms:

Biden campaign staff is reportedly sounding the alarm as presupposed minority support fails to pour in as expected.

An unspecified number of anonymous senior officials manning the cannons for 2020 Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden spoke out this week, expressing concern over a lack of black and Latino turnout in national early voting efforts, according to Bloomberg.

Left-wing establishment media outlets have long forecast victory for Biden this November, predicting a diverse Obama-era Democratic coalition and never-before-seen youth and minority turnout would win the day.

With record early voter turnout already a reality several days out from the 2020 election, however, initial results suggest the cavalry may not be coming. —>READ MORE HERE

Biden Isn’t Getting the Minority Vote He Needs:

Obama finalized the reinvention of the Democrats as a majority-minority party. But what happens when your candidate is an old white guy? Or an old white lady? Hillary Clinton lost, in no small part, because she couldn’t score the minority voter turnout she needed.

In 2020, the Democrats had two plans for dealing with that problem.

1. BLM. The major Black Lives Matter riots tend to happen around election years. That’s not a coincidence. The whole thing from the beginning was, among things, a scheme to boost voter turnout for the Democrats.

2. Pivot to suburban and older voters. Push to reclaim chunks of the old Democrat base. That’s why Biden ended up being the candidate. If you’re going to end up with an old white person, try one who at least (unlike Bernie and Warren) does well with black voters and has a shot with working class white voters. —>READ MORE HERE

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