Jesus' Coming Back

Lara Trump: ‘Its Going To Be A Landslide Victory for Trump.’

By Theodore Shoebat

Lara Trump just affirmed that its going to be a landslide victory for Trump, as we read in Politico:

President Donald Trump’s top surrogates are painting a rosy picture of an overwhelming reelection victory, even as polls have him trailing in many key battleground states.

Lara Trump, a senior adviser to Trump’s reelection campaign and the president’s daughter-in-law, said Tuesday that they believe the president will decisively beat Democratic nominee Joe Biden without the need for a protracted ballot count.

“People have not been talking to pollsters, and we think it’s going to be a landslide victory and we aren’t even going to need to take this into further days,” Lara Trump said on Fox News.

I am not sure about a landslide, but looking at the crowd size for Trump, I am very confident he is going to win.


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