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Guiliani Vows Lawsuits to Expose Democratic Election Fraud: ‘Do you think we’re stupid?’; Pres Trump Sues in Three States, laying ground for contesting outcome, and LOTS MORE HERE

Guiliani vows lawsuits to expose Democratic election fraud: ‘Do you think we’re stupid?’

Trump campaign legal point man Rudolph W. Giuliani on Wednesday said Democrats were perpetrating a massive voter fraud in Pennsylvania and announced a lawsuit challenging the vote count.

Mr. Giuliani said ballots were popping up from all over the place, Trump campaign election observers were prevented from observing the count and at least 100,000 ballots did not get checked by observers.

“They’re not going to steal this election. This will actually do the same by the people,” Mr. Giuliani, a former New York City mayor who serves as President Trump‘s personal lawyer, said a press conference in Philadelphia.

He said it was inconceivable that Mr. Trump could be 500,000 votes ahead with more than 80% of the votes counted and not be declared the winner in Pennsylvania. —>READ MORE HERE

Trump sues in three states, laying ground for contesting outcome:

President Trump’s campaign filed lawsuits Wednesday in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Georgia, laying the groundwork for contesting battleground states as he slipped behind Democrat Joe Biden in the hunt for the 270 Electoral College votes needed to win the White House.

The new filings, joining existing Republican legal challenges in Pennsylvania and Nevada, demand better access for campaign observers to locations where ballots are being processed and counted, and absentee ballot concerns, the campaign said. However, at one Michigan location in question, the Associated Press observed poll watchers from both sides monitoring on Wednesday.

The Associated Press called Michigan for Biden on Wednesday. Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Georgia are undecided.

The Trump campaign also is seeking to intervene in a Pennsylvania case at the Supreme Court that deals with whether ballots received up to three days after the election can be counted, deputy campaign manager Justin Clark said.

The actions reveal an emerging legal strategy that the president had signaled for weeks, namely that he would attack the integrity of the voting process in states where the result could mean his defeat. —>READ MORE HERE

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